Under false pretenses of saving 'so much more money' as shown to me by their comparison analysis, I was lead into signing a contract with this company. The first month or so went fine until I discovered I was being charged in every direction for this and that and things I had been told I would not be charged for. I had been told that I would not have as many 'nickle and dime' charges as I had with other companies. This statement was false to the point of customer service able to explain even the most incidental charge with a 'credible' answer.
At best, I believe I was charged the highest rates possible at every turn, and every complaint fallen on deaf ears. I went to a different company, saving hundreds of dollars with a wholesale rate. However, I signed a 3 year contract and I am unable to get out of it unless I 'buy' out of it with penalty charges.
I pay $49.00 a month, and when I had to comply with the MC/Visa rules (after taking their compliance test) I was charged an extra $19.00 per month (even though I e-mailed the company the results, not good enough) until I called, faxed, and went on line to their web site AGAIN to become 'compliant. I am paying $49.00 a month for NOTHING until February 2010. I CAN'T wait!!! I'm A small business and that money could be put to better use in these economic times.