June 2, 2011
breech of confidentiality/finances
Call center representative issues- The very day after a payment was made, the call center in INDIA called my cell number. I had allowed a personal friend to use my phone when the call came in. He answered the beep, and without any personal idenitifiers, the rep. proceeded to disclose details of my payment history, balance due, etc, . At some point, I walked back inside from the patio and heard the nature of the conversation, with my friend stating "she just made a payment yesterday. When I took the phone and intercepted the call, the representative even admitted to me that he was reluctant because he "didnt sound like Lynne". I then told them they had breeched my financial privacy rights/confidentiality and requested to speak with legal, and they hung up on me. I then waited until Monday and called headquarters in Atlanta, and was told someone named Mr Savage in compliance would return my call addressing my issue. I had to call him, and when I did, he was so demeaning and belittleing, and even stated it "was his belief that I had ALLOWED MY BOYFRIEND to impersonate myself. I got very emotionally distraught because of the manner in which I was spoken to, and requested to speak with someone else in compliance. Angela Coleman took this call. She was the first professional I have dealt with to date, even providing her personal ext. She called and told me that they were willing to settle my 1004.00 balance for 428 dollars if paid by May 31. If not, it would accrue interest and penalty fees. I payed the 427 by that date because I was so stressed out I was crying at work every day. When I would call in to speak with someone I was told my acct was "cease and diccist", no one was allowed to speak with me. Clearly this indicates they knew they violated my rights. Per Angela Coleman, their policy is to only verify identity on inbound calls, not outbound. How ludicruis? Anyone could lose a cell phone, answer, etc. Their only defense was that my friend seemed famillar with the account. EVERYONE AROUND ME is familiar with their antics of harrassment, starting the call cycle right back up again the very day after making a payment. I requested the audio of the calls, and never did receive. Ironically, I am an RN who works for Aetna Insurance, a national leader in the industry. As a telephonic case management RN, I MUST VERIFY AT LEAST 2 IDENTIFIERS and inform them the calls are monitired and recorded for quality/training. If I breeched a members private medical information, or violated HIPAA, my entire company would be in jeaopardy. So therefore we actually have two issues 1- The obcious breech of my private financial information. and 2-no one asked my MALE friend his identity/relation or sought his permission to record him. I have never experienced such harsh treatment by a company that has harrassed me for seven long years. I understand from my research they have MANY complaints, and I DONT feel my issue as sensative in nature as it is, was handled appropriately. Scott Savage actually is guilty is defamation/assas. of character by his "beilief" that I allowed someone male to impersonate myself. I beg you please, look into this. I can only imagine how mnay others must be nervous wrecks because of these people. Thank you so much for your consideration