First Niagra bought my bank (National City) so my accounts were automatically transfered to them. They didn't have half the services that my old bank did, and their website was difficult to use & irritating. Also I had set up an automatic transfer of $50/month to be deposited into my savings account with them, and that's the source of this problem. I got fed up with their usability issues, so I opened an account with another bank & changed my paycheck deposits to them. About a week after that I took all my money out of my First Niagra accounts & faxed them a form to close my account. Then I started getting letters about overdrafting my account $50 & a $36 overdraft fee, so I called and said I closed my account I keep getting this fee accessed so they took care of it & reversed all the fees (leaving $14 from each overdraft in my savings account) they asked me to fax them my form to close the account again so I did. Next month, more overdraft fees so I call again, fax the form again, and they ask to send me a check for $42 from my savings account, I inform them that money is phantom money that overdrafted from my $0 balance checking account, and left $14 when they reversed the fees go online & login to my account (which shouldn't be active because I don't have an account) and cancel my $50/month transfer. It took me 5 tries to turn off my transfer, and 3 faxes to close my account... Or so I thought, apparently I've got $160 in overdraft fees still somehow, all caused by the $50/mo transfer that I was told were reversed by a customer service rep. Now they've sent $60 to a collections agency to harass me, they want my bank closure form faxed to them (Which is stupid to do, it has all sorts of private info on it)
SO in the long run, thanks to First Niagra's stupidity that took $50 out of a $0 balance several times, and charged $36 overdraft fees several times, and reversed those fees leaving me a positive balance in my formerly $0 balance savings account; all of these accounts that I've closed 3 times, yet somehow still remain open... Feels like I've been a victim of big long scam.