I have no idea what Mattel/Fisher-Price is thinking. I assembled a high chair for my sister's grandson last night. The product registration card states, and I quote: "The information you provide below (or online at www.fisher-price.com/registration) is confidential and will only be used to inform you of a recall or safety alert." The information is on a post card for crying out loud. That is really confidential. Name, address, e mail address and your phone number? Anyone and everyone can read this information. makes it easy for spammers and telemarketers, let alone people that may want to harass you.
They are trying to settle a class action lawsuit for lead paint and other dangerous products that they outsourced from America to China. Now I am convinced their internet and web services have all been sent to India. Try to make comment on the web site? Forget it. You cannot do it. I tried via an online survey as that was the only means to communicate online with Mattel/Fisher-Price. When I went to submit it I received an HTTP Error 404. Obviously Mattel/Fisher-Price does not welcome feedback of ANY nature. They have fired the majority of their American empoloyees and outsoiurced to China where there are no safety regulations to protect our kids from the lead paint and other harmful products that Mattel hopes Americans will not found. Mattel has no interest in the health and safety of our children in America, just making a dollar for investors and their executives.