Fishman productions is running a scam. They run many compnaies that are "wholly owned subsidiaries" of Fishman Productions, which seems to be owned by Jeff Fishman. We were contacted by Fishman Productions in early 2009 to sell them data for their so-called "telemarketing" company... Direct Media Sales or Teletron or some other probably fictitious name. They conned us in to offering them terms and then started making excuses why wires were not sent and monies were not available. The whole time trying to hide under the umbrella of being a "wholey owned subsidiary" of Fishman Productions - Who by the way say that they are a tv and film production house? I wonder how many other people have been scammed by Fishman Productions or Teletron or DMS (Direct Media Sales) or whatever their actual name is. We are sitting on pile of past due, unpaid invoices and have not received any payments.
Be very very weary when dealing with Fishman Productions and remember to get your money UP FRONT. Do not take their word for anything... and certainly do not offer them terms. And certainly dont try to get them on the phone - they will screen your calls and not call back. My advice: If you are in the lead/media business or a writer, actor, actress or anyone who is thinking about doing business with Fishman Productions... RUN (don't walk) in the other direction!!