Lisa Luttrell
January 7, 2009
unathorized charge
I just dicovered a charge on my bank statement I had no knowledge of. If I do not receive a full refund I will sue this company and all affiliates. And if any other unathorized charges show up I will do the same again!
January 6, 2009
unauthorized debit from checking account
This Acaipure is very shady. You order a free trial of something and on the side if you don't mark things off then you are charged and sent many more things. It is not obvious to check these things off. And then you get this $29.95 taken out of you checking account for I don't really know what. They are very strong on the phone and try to tell you that you agreed to this but all you have to keep saying is I DIDN'T AGREE AND I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!! You may have to say this 10 times but I was finally told I would recieve a refund. This is a very bad scam and something needs to be done about it.
January 4, 2009
unauthorized charges to visa
Charged $29.95 on credit card. I believe an order of ACAI berry for sample at $3.97 shipping, triggered this Fit-Fac credit charge which was not authorized by me. I was charged $44.85 by Acaipure, for the sample and never received the sample of ACAI berry either.
January 2, 2009
My complaint is as everyone else, I oredered a free trail of colotox and acai berry for 4.95 shipping next thing I know I have everyone and his brother taking money from my acct. So far I'm out of about 200.00 what I suggest is everyone that has been scammed forward your complaints to you state attorny's office and the better business burea if they get enough complaints they will investigate this. I called them and told them if I saw one more penny come out of my acct I would sue them for everything they had. They return my money. Threaten these fool swith a lawsuit. Good Luck
January 1, 2009
over charge
My bank account has an unauthorized charge on it, and i want it off
January 1, 2009
Credit Card Charge - Unauthorized
Tonight I discovered a 29.95 charge to my credit card. I will call this company during business hours. I believe this is linked to the free Acai Berry supplement I ordered. I did not enter a relationship with Fit-Fac. My Acai Berry supplement "membership" was canceled soon after placing the order for the free trial. If this cannot be resolved, I will file a dispute with my credit card company. Clearly, this is a scam. I won't waste time dealing with this. I will have my card canceled if necessary.
December 31, 2008
credit card charge
I also ordered a free sample of a product shown on opra it was called bormalite it is supposed to be a colen clense. three week after i ordered it another charge for 71.98 from bromalite software showed up stating it was for international downloads. today i found a charge for 29.95 from fit-fac for a another product recomended by opra on the same show. there is no dought in my mind that these two companies are partners. The best thing to do if you paid for the shipping on the free sample by credit card is to dispute the charge the card company will take it off until it has investigated the dispute. hopefully the credit card companies will see the scame and stop processing charges from these companies.
December 30, 2008
Unauthorized Charges
29.95 showed up on my account today and I've never heard of this company. You can bet I'll be calling tomorrow - like heck I'm leaving my info for them to contact me! I can only guess this is tied to the pain-in-the-neck sample for acai that I cancelled (have yet to see that refund! but this is not the company name for that so I'm still trying to figure it out)
December 29, 2008
charging on visa not shipping product double billing
I am not happy with the charges you have put on my vesa of $26.11 two times in one day I did not order anything from you and did not receive anything from you.so whatever the charges are cancel whatever it is you are charging me for thanks Bette
December 28, 2008
false charge
I've never heard of this company. No one in my family has either! Not my charge, $29.95, and don't knnow where it came from