D. von Wittenburg
December 27, 2008
unauthorized charges
Unauthorized charge for $29.95 appeared on my statement from Chase: I did not buy anything from Fit-Fac nor any source they tied with.
In talking with a rep I was told they would give me a credit for $29.95. I told them I had no use for the credit since I had no intent to make a purchase frfom them.
She then said they would refund the amount -- I had a better way: I told her I was contesting the charge and not paying Chase for the amount billed.
The young lady laughed --and said "Well, I tried"
December 23, 2008
Charges to credit card
I also had a complaint agains Fit-Fac charging my account without authorization. I ordered the Acri Berry pills as a trail offer and the next thing there is a $29.95 charge on my credit card.
December 22, 2008
Unauthorized Charges
Ordered sample and paid shipping using credit card. A phone number was supplied to cancel membership but after making more that 20 unanswered calls I gave up. Then a $29.95 charge showed up on my credit card with another phone number, I called and informed them that they will cancel membership and refund the $29.95 or I was going to turn this in to a Federal Fraud investigation because of the bogus phone number supplied in the beginning. I will check my credit card site daily to see if the credit shows up and if not will call again.
eileen hart
December 20, 2008
did not order but were charged
a charge of 29.95 appeared on my credit card for something i did not authorize nor receive anything from them in the mail. this is a dishonest company
Bill Brundage
December 19, 2008
Charged credit card for 29.95 without authorizeation
Deirdre Cooper
December 17, 2008
Fraude Charges
Fradulant charge posted to my account on 12/15/08 for $29.95. I believe the are affiliated with Acai Berry Supplement products.
rhonda rhonda
December 12, 2008
I have been charged twice on my account for 29.95 and I was both of those credited to my account. No where have I authorized such a transaction. this better be resolved in 7 days or I will contact the BBB>
December 9, 2008
unauthorized charge
I ordered Acai Berry free trial got charged 29.95 on credit card. how is this product fee?
866-407-1022 NVUS 99239 on my statement.
Is this fraud?
Two Cats
December 8, 2008
Unauthorized charges to credit card
I signed up for a trial bottle of Acai Berry and agreed to pay the s/h charges. Now I am charged for a membership in fit-fac. This was not part of any agreement I made. I tried calling the number given numerous times and got only a busy signal. No one ever comes online to discuss this either.
Judging by all the other complaints similar to mine, it appears this is a scam and these people need to be shut down.
December 8, 2008
Unauthorized withdrawl
I ordered a free trail of the acaiberry and bromalite and paid for shipping and handling on Dec.1, 2008 2 charges were taken from my bank account from fit-fac both for $19.95. I told my bank and called the # for fit-fac and got a recording to call back Mon-Fri. between (9-9). I tried to have a live chat with a trainer named tommy and he also told me to call back on Mon. I called this morning and the # just make a beeping sound and didn't even ring. I then went to the live chat again and got tommy the trainer i asked if anyone was working today and he answered yes we are. But after I told him about the unauthorized charges and asked if anyone was actually working at the #, all of a sudden he didn't want to chat with me anymore. I gave him my # and explained I just needed some help and since he was the one who I chatted with over the weekend and he was the one who gave my the # to call, could he please assist me or find someone who could. Still no answer from him on the chat. I printed out a copy of the chat because he was there at first and then he was gone, I asked "are you still there? Did you go on your break?" But nothing. I don't know what to do or who to call or how to get the money that was taken from my account put back. Can someone please help me? Jennifer Ambrosio 661-755-5231