BEWARE!!! GUARANTEE?? Jim Rosen has trained his staff in a slick deceptive sales pitch. Then uses a 5 page "policy" that creates the vehicle for his company to take YOUR money on DAY ONE with no accountability for bad service, no service, faulty merchandise or forget... change your mind. Delivery? Damaged merchandise? Wrong Merchandise? MONEY BACK Forget it!!! He will wear you down with double talk and no remedy... He relies on your being too busy to read the policy and later too weary to jump the considerable hurdles he manages to place in the path of recovering your money.
Here is a sample from the Better Business Bureau Complaints on this company. Check out the rest...
Complaint Description - Posted 8/4/2006
Summary - They sold me defected treadmill for 1537 us$ and are not giving me full refund as promised.i have been trying to return it for a year.
Initial Complaint
They sold me a model other than the one i ordered (i ordered keys 8800 they sent me cardiozone club max hrt) and it was bad equipment it did not work.i ordered it on 7/31/05, the day i recieved it on 8/10/05 and assembled it on 8/13/05 it was in non working condition.they promised me full refund without any questions asked.and they did not keep their promise.i have correspondence to prove it.
Resolution Sought
I would like a refund.
Additional Information
Date Problem First Occurred: 8/13/2005
Model Name or Number: CARDIOZONE MAX HRT
Date Purchased: 7/31/2005
Order Number: 30897
Amount In Dispute: $1, 800.00
Company's Response
Initial Response - Posted 8/15/2006
Summary - cusotmer is past her "free in home trial" as allowed on our website for a full refund. A replacemnet unit ican be sent for her order. No refunds are allowed at this time.
Customer orderd a unit over a year ago. She requested service several months after her purchase was delviered. There are no notations of service requests of her machine from the manufacturer as they are by contract designated to service. She was provided documentation (manual) for any service requests and returns. It is noted that on January 13, 2006 she requested a confirmation for a refund, however that was past the promotional time allowed for her refund. We are willing and able to replace her machine if it is not working properly as it is published on our website. No refunds are allowed at this time as this order is over a year old.
Consumer's Rebuttal
Rebuttal - Posted 9/20/2006
Consumer is not satisfied with company's response. She states the Treadmill was not in working condition. When she said she wanted to return it she was told that she had to get it fixed and till she does that and tries it for few weeks, she is not eligible for return because it was against company policy. And that her 30 day money back guarantee period would not start till she tried it for a few weeks after the treadmill was fixed. So she put all efforts in getting the treadmill fixed. Which she had called you multiple times but to no avail. So therefore, she was advised by the Arizona's Attorney General to take your company to Small Claims Court if you did not reimburse her monies.
Company's Final Response
Final Response - Posted 9/21/2006
The complainant is responsible for the shipping costs involved in her order this is clearly published on our webiste and on her invoice. Even if she called during her free trial period of the first 30 days she is still responsible for the shipping costs. This is to only be aplied to her treadmill and no other equipment. She has been sent a return authorization form, once completed item will be retrieved and she will be properly refunded.