Fitness USA
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Category: Lifestyle
Contact Information 5603 Graoe rd., Mishawaka, Indiana, United States
Phone number: 574-277-3131
Fitness USA Reviews
Brandi Picton-Prater
May 24, 2011
My friend and I went to the gym today. Now this gym has a girls day and a guys day. me being a girl I tend to lean towards going on the girls day. When I walked in kyliegh signed up for a guest pass and was shown around the building. This building has a "dressing room" which is like a typical highschool gym dressing room with lockers, benches, and bathrooms off to the sides and a few stalls you can change in as well. Now, before she was shown the dressing room, she stopped the lady giving the "tour" and told her she didnt need to see the dressing room because she would never be using it and that it didnt matter, and why did she have to go back there?" the lady told her that it was part of the tour and she had to show it to her essentially forcing her to go back there. We started working out a while and they did the whole fitness evaluation write down thing... once she got into the treadmill she got really hot and WENT HOME and CHANGED HER SHIRT... then came back. First off when she left she told me to watch her phone which was plugged into the outlet by the treadmill. well after about 30 mins of her being gone, I got on the bike and this lady worker walks up to me and starts some small talk... then asks me where my friend went. I explained she went home to change her shirt and that she left her phone here so she WILL be back. Then she takes the phone up to the front desk and hands it to mr. manager and says, " uh...she??...uh...left her phone here..." and he says, " He?" and she hands it to him. Then kyliegh comes back and starts on the bike with me. 5 mins go by this lady taps her on the shoulder with a smirk on her face and asks her to come in the room with her. Kyliegh knew what was up and pulled my shirt so I'd come with her. When we got in there the lady says, "idk how to put this without being uncouth...and kind of chuckles and goes..but uh... someone complained about you being in the locker room and you being a guy in there and so... I am telling you you can only work out in the cardio area..." and of course she was offended and upset because her ID does NOT have a "gender" on it- it is she was like, acting offended and then the lady was like, " well your ID says a guys name and there is no gender on it at all" then the manager came in and I was explaining that they were assuming there was a penis between her legs because obviously there is no gender on the ID... and that because of that assumption they were being completely sexist. They said no they werent was I serious, was I kidding them? I said no... she has breasts and the manager took it beyond the line that was already crossed and said, " seriously? are you looking at his shoulder blades on his back, or his knee caps!?" and that was beyond rude... Now my sisters name is legally TYLER and she is a legal female, vagina and all But their 2nd biggest argument was what her name legally on her ID was. and the point of no males is what exactly??? to ease womens minds. and yet there were males working when I was under the assumption when I signed up that on girls days girls were working... but there were at LEAST two male employees in the area they told her she couldn't be. I doubt women are upset that my friend is here? this is a person in transition. this is her LIFESTYLE.. not a fly by night thing.Tell me, honestly- could Kyliegh walk into this same gym on a mans day as herself, and end up being ok!? She would her ass kicked and definitely discriminated against in a room FULL of meatheads. While I was in the gym, trying to cancel my contract, however (being that it was a "mans day") and that they had put me in the workout area where they told my friend she couldn't go... I saw at least 2 girls working out in that same area and no one said anything to them! On the same note, male workers are constantly working on female days. I called corporate and they were RUDE and told me I could only call the "big wig" in office and leave a message ONCE and not to play games because we were adults and that she will get back to me when she gets back to me and that I was being unnecessary by wanting to call the "big wig" again. It has been a week and she has still not gotten back to me by the way, and not to mention I went to cancel and now they wont let me even though my contract says I have to submit a letter saying I am cancelling and it will be cancelled in thirty days from the date of my received letter... So now here I sit in the midst of trying to figure all of this out and I would like to join with others.
Wendy Bellinger-Denny
April 19, 2011
I signed up (I paid 1st, last & enrollment fee) after going with my best friend & mother-in-law on a guest pass then signed up my husband (I paid 1st, last & enrollment fee), but after 1 week my husband decided it wasn't the gym for him. So our 12 yr old daughter asked if she can start working out & was told I could transfer my husband membership to her even though she was under 18 by the district manager, so I had my daughter & husband come to do the transfer & they won't do it. They told me I had to cancel my husbands & pay for my daughters membership - 1st, last & enrollment fee. But I bitched a fit about being told they would transfer the membership, so I told them I wouldn't pay the enrollment fee just the 1st & last months..we went back & fourth and I finally told them if they didn't give me want I want that myself, best friend, mother-in-law, step daughter & my husband would all cancel our memberships and go to another gym for their error and not honoring what I was told. They finally agreed to waive the enrollment fee. But now when we received our daughters card its for the cheaper membership not the diamond membership we all have or that I am paying for, so I go to the front desk & inform them of the membership issue & was told that it was an error & they would have the manager look into it to have the membership changed & a new card would be issued. So now three weeks later still no new card, so again I go to the front desk and the same guy is there & I ask him why my daughter hasn't received her new card yet and he asked another guy about it and he said oh I remember you (of course cause I'm loud & don't care who hears me or is around) he tells me our district mgr & asst mgr told you since you didn't pay the enrollment fee her membership would only be executive not diamond (even though they're charging me the diamond price) so i tell him...huh no they didn't & my mother-in-law & daughter were both standing next to me the whole time I got her membership. So I asked for their corp# & the district mgr name. My whole experience at Fitness USA has been horrible, one thing after another, getting the run around. I'm looking into other more Fitness USA for me or my family.
September 2, 2010
So here's the STORY. on June 22, 2010 I signed up for their NO CONTRACT Diamond membership. With the Start fee, and the $24.45 first month, and another $24.45 last month, the $24.45 is $19.95 for the gym, and $4.50 for the tanning. Anyways, ... after "3" months which would be September 22, I go from paying the $24.45 a month to paying $14.45 a month until I decide if I want to do a lifetime membership. WELLLLLLLLLL, let me tell you where the FALSE ADVERTISEMENT & MISLEADING come into play, THEY SAY TO QUALIFY after "3" months for the $10, no contract pay as you go(painted on the outside of their building) you HAVE TO GO TO THE GYM 3 days a week, every week for "3" months... THEY NEVER EVER told me that. I mean THINGS happen that prevent you from going sometimes.. Anyways, since I have NOT been going the amount of time that they say is MANDATORY I have to keep paying the HIGHER PRICE for 10 more months.. UHMMMM I DON'T THINK SO, so I told them to cancel the $shit. So the $24.45 they JUST took out of my account 4 days ago I'm out, ok, whatever! BUT THEN, they tell me that I have to give a 30 day notice(remember I am not in a contract) to cancel my membership. So NOW they are saying that because it was like 31 or 32 days that I will owe ANOTHER $24.45 I SAID BULLSHIT... I am letting any & everyone know DO NOT GO TO FITNESS USA, they are a bunch of LIARS... i AM ALSO GOING TO LET THE NEWS PEOPLE KNOW that this company is a SCAM... And they have ILLEGAL MEXICANS working there taking jobs away from the AMERICAN people.
Greek Gypsy
May 18, 2010
Worst Gym to go to-Staff unprofessional
The so called Manager at Southfield lied on the personal training sessions and how much it would costs every month. Now I am being hounded for the money every week. I have had it out with all of them and then they said they will work with me. DO NOT GO TO THIS GYM. THE EQUIPMENT IS OLD AND ALWAYS BROKE DOWN, the staff are all liars...I was even told by a few that work there that the people in the Corporate office are on them to get sales. They don't care how, just get them so the staff will lie to get you to sign and then the contract is never the way they said it would be. Their personal trainers are boring. They stick you in this little room and have you do push can do that at home. Everything they have you do, you can do on your own with the same results. Don't give this gym another cent. They deserve to go OUT OF BUSINESS because of the scam practices!!
concerned customer2
March 10, 2010
Scam - be very careful
I have multiple complaints. First, the advertised prices (even in huge numbers on the wall) are temporary. The actual membership price is double that amount. There are also quarterly additional fees to use the gym. But here is the clincher - you can't use the gym everyday, AND you can't even use the locker room or take a shower afterwards. Most of this information was left out by the guy who hurriedly signed me up for the program and not even giving me a chance to ASK questions (it never occurred to be that I couldn't use the locker room - how was I to know to ask that) Granted - I was told that fees would go up after the trial period - but nothing else!!!
But to make matters even worse - I saw OTHER PEOPLE'S credit information sitting at the front desk!!! I would never dream of doing it - but it would have been so easy to steal someone else's information. . . DO NOT go to this gym!!
January 21, 2010
They say it's a free trial then you find out that they signed you up for years. I was told that the contract was cancelled and they are stiil trying to make me pay. Help what can i do
mad ass mama
September 1, 2009
membership scam
Fitness USA is operating a SCAM ad. My 15 yr old daughter wanted to join for the summer to get in shape so I took her down to Fitness USA at Stonestown San Francisco in June 2009 and I agreed I would be charged $19 a month to month basis - no contracts needed - as stated in their advertisements. I only needed to pay first and last month fees $49.90). My daughter only needed to workout during the summer months because school was out. I made this very clear to the person who signed me up, Jennifer. She said it was not a problem and is very easy - if I really do decide to cancel the membership, I can do so given without paying any penalty fees as long as I give a formal notice 30 days in advance. I had told her I want the lowest and cheapest plan for a student during the summer then she told me she upgraded me to Executive Member for FREE anyways.
I sent my letter to the headquarters to cancel the membership (certified mail). I then received a letter from Fitness USA telling me they are sorry to hear about my cancellation but you now own a monthly fee of $28.95 plus the East Start Amount Due $231.60 (which was a addendum which I did not get a copy ).
I'm going to send a letter to the company explaining the problem.
If no results I guess I'll be in contact with the local TV station "7 on your side" or CBS 5 investigates. Maybe a camera crew and public broadcasting is what Fitness USA needs to shed some light to the consumers on what kind of SCAM they are running...
All my daughter wanted to do was work out and stay healthy.
How could this company be in business for this long?? Those employees should be ashamed!!!
August 18, 2009
Cancelling Membership
Fitness USA is operating a SCAM ad. I joined Fitness USA at Stonestown San Francisco in July 2009 and I agreed I would be charged $19 a month to month basis - no contracts needed - as stated in their advertisements. I had made this clear and firm with the sales who handled me. I only needed to pay first and last month fees (about $50). This was something I needed because I'm only in San Francisco up until Sept 2009 because my graduate school starts after then; this was something I had also told the person who signed me up there, Jennifer. She said it was not a problem and is very easy - if I really do decide to cancel the membership, I can do so given without paying any penalty fees as long as I give a formal notice 30 days in advance. I had told her I want the lowest and cheapest plan as well, then she told me she upgraded me to Executive Member for FREE anyways. I just took it as a gesture.
Apparently everything was a lie. I went to the Stonestown branch a month later and talked with the General Manager, Jonathan Barcias, about cancelling my membership. Once he heard the word cancelling, he handed me a form and told me to mail it myself to the head office in Minnesota. I asked why was it not possible to cancel at the store itself, thus he said its all stated in the contract that in order to cancel the membership - the letter has to be mailed. When I started to ask more questions, he told me to call the head office's number and they could answer all the questions I have. When I had gone home and looked up my contract; it clearly says that I can cancel it either at the store I signed up at and complete the form there OR mail a formal letter to the head office branch. I called back and he said that he just doesn't have the authorization to cancel my membership, even though the contract stated it is indeed possible and he IS the manager and head of the branch- he just didn't want to do it. His excuse was simply because "he's just the manager - he can't do anything about it and he's not going to sign anything".
When I called in the head office, I was told I had been signed onto a 18 month contract (which I had NO idea up until that point) and placed in an Executive Club membership level ($28/month - NOT $19 I was told). This is quite ridiculous because no one, including the sales, had ever told me about a bounded contract, penalty fees, an upgraded plan (out of my own cost). I was told for me to cancel the membership officially, I would need to pay $246.07 of fees - to be exact. They claimed that they do not take any verbal agreement between the customer and the sales and therefore whatever they have said to me could not be legitimate. I tried calling the head supervisor in charge of California Fitness USA's stores, but he was not present to answer my call. What turned out to be $19 a month now has become a couple of hundred dollars down the drain.
I had contacted a lawyer about this and has posted a certified letter to the company regarding this issue; I had also faxed to the branches so they could ALL take a look at it. I'm just really shocked to see a company that survived for 20 years could scam customers the old-fashion way by training dishonest sales, irresponsible managers to disclosing misleading information about memberships and trying to make you fall onto their false advertisements of their so-called "no contract, month-to-month, pay-as you-go, $19/month".
I really wonder how these people can sleep at night, knowing they cheat good people like this for the sake of commission. How pitiful.
August 6, 2009
False Advertising
I joined Fitness USA for the 2 months I was in San Francisco because their advertisements (in print, online, even on their walls) proclaim: "month-to-month only" "no conctacts" and "pay as you go", and because the employee I spoke with assured me that canceling my membership in 2 months would not be a problem.
After mailing a formal request for cancelation and numerous phone calls, Fitness USA informed me that I would continue to be charged a monthly fee for the next 18 months that is actually higher than the fee the employee told me I would be paying. I've been in phone trees, left messages, filed complaints etc. etc. Next week I will be unemployed and living 10 hours away from the location of this gym. When someone does answer the phone they are verbally insulting and claim ignorance to the advertising and customer service practices going on within the company.
A few marbles left
May 21, 2009
Their 3-day cancellation agreement isn't worth the paper it's written on. I tried canceling via phone - they wouldn't accept it; I needed to go back to that location. I went in person - they wouldn't allow anyone other than the person that signed me up to take care of me, and she wasn't working that day. I made a third trip to cancel - then it took them 1 1/2 months to refund the monies I paid up front. Be very sure this is what you're wanting before you sign up. Don't let them convince you to sign up before your 2-week trial membership is up.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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