Never lease Flageston Gardens Apartment located at 77 E Edgebrook Dr, Houston TX 77034
The Manager miss-uses your SS to report credit agencies to screwup your credit.
If you've leased already, move-out first thing at your lease-end. Never let the cruel manager corrupt your credit.
This is what she does, When you move out:
Just to make few extra dimes, she will put some fake charges on you that you never owe. She will never contact you.
She uses a collection company called
Alexander-Rose Associates
7141 Office City Dr # 222
Houston, TX 77087
(713) 644-4441
Get directions
This company is very good at not giving you a minute to wait before screwing-up your credit.
No matter how honest you are, no matter how much you care about your credit, no matter how precisely you make your payment on time, she'll still put you in collection and corrupt your credit.
I hope state takes some action against this complex.
Never ever lease at Flagston Apartments if you love your credit.