I said it, 'They Are At Fault!' First you should know I make my payment through my personal bank's online bill pay (as I live 60 miles from the nearest 'Flamingo Office' & my bank's main branch is across town from it) which is set up to pay my payment by my due date every month. 4 months & everything went perfect until...
Flamingo for whatever reason (they refuse to tell me) changed the address for mailed payments to their parent/sister company Car Plaza Inc in Sunrise, FL but didn't mail me notice until 8 days before my due date! (they are not linked to my bank for EFT so my bank mails a check & I don't pay postage or have to make a trip to the PO).
My due date is the 20th, this month my bank mailed the check on the 17th to ensure it arrives in time. My statement was mailed to me the 4th (I believe I got it the 9th) & this notice of the address change effective the 9th was printed the 11th & mailed the 12th! I didn't get it until the 20th as I hadn't checked my mail for 4 days (the last time was the 16th) but as you can tell it wouldn't have made a difference if it had come the 17th... My payment was already mailed by my bank!
Needless to say, my payment is now 6 days late! Stuck in transit with the USPS & Flamingo is to blame! No one even admitted to the forward until yesterday & Yes, I asked about it 3 times on the 21st when I spoke to them! They call my husband's phone as he his primary on the loan, 5-10 times a day including Sunday when they are closed!
We even had our bank call them to explain that our payment is in transit due to their mail forward. They did not believe that person was truly from our bank! Since 6pm on the 20th my husband has been threatened with repossession! We offered to stop payment (the banks idea) & then make a phone payment. 5 different 'Supervisors' told us we better not stop payment cause when they receive it they will charge us returned check fee & repossess the vehicle!
I know they can't repossess it for a bad check, but I've heard of them doing lots of things they shouldn't be able to do. And it wouldn't be a bad check if they would make a note on the account that such'n such check number is not valid, payment has been made via phone. They refused to do so! So we have not made a payment via phone & will wait until the check finally arrives! I can't wait for them to repo my car ILLEGALLY, so I can sue them & hopefully put a stop to the harassment of many other customers!
Please tell others not to use this company & if my story isn't enough, just search Flamingo Financing & you'll see many complaints like mine & worse! I wish someone had told me 5 months ago when I bought my car! I've now read so many complaints on Flamingo Financing & Car Plaza, including a comment from an employee saying "Flamingo Financing Prides its self on Superior Customer Service." I now ask WHERE'S THE SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE? The current FDCPA doesn't cover 1st party collectors & I say its time it did! NO COMPANY/PERSON SHOULD BE ABLE TO CALL MORE THAN ONCE A DAY TO COLLECT ANY DEBT! At what point does it go from Harassment to Stalking? If I called my ex that much for money he owes me, I'd have a restraining order! Something has got to be done about this...