I have two charges for Dr Lydia Evans which were paid and two that were not. I have a history of rosea and skin cancer. I am taking antibiotics for the rosea and have surgery shedueled March 17th for skin cancer. I have faxed this to flex spending probaly five times. First they said they needed the tax code. Now I get an email denied. My doctor is faxing me a letter.
I also entered in a bill for nitrate for my teeth to be cleaned, they always paid they denied that.
I entered four visits to a doctor who injected vains. They said cosmetic. I wen tback twenty years with my history. I just faxed over the findings of Dr.Sun a cardio vascular surgeon who said I have a blood clot.
This all took place at the end of 2008. This was over 1, 282.00.
I am 66 years old, this is alot of money.
I think I am being discriminated agains.
I sent an appeal to Oxford to investigate Dr.Goyal in his practices. I think he charged Oxford and charged me.
What do I do now.
They want me to go away. It is my money.
On top of this I am locked in for another three thousand dollars for this year and they don't want to pay.
Please help.
Joan Anello 2 London rd.
Pound Ridge New York 10576
home 914-764-5680
work 914-733-4003