Hi. I bought a package from flexiclub years ago. The fees have become rediciulous. I sent them a request in July 2009 saying that I want to sell and terminate my membership. They then said that at their last board meeting it was decided that Flexiclub would no longer buy back membership as was stated in the origanal presentation (that I attended and signed). I don't think they can just decide to change things like that ?
I also informed them that with my wanting to terminate my membership It will therefor not be necsasary nor logical to pay 2010 fees.
Much later they e-mailed me to say that I must try Supreme Vacation Resale Dept because they deal with them. I immediately then phoned them to sell everything asap. After about another month I called them again to hear if there had been any response sofar. they said no. I then instructed the sales lady to give it away for free, as long as I could just be rid of them
So it went on... But then on end of Oct 2009 fees for 2010 started going of from my dank account. I went and stopped the debitorder immediately. ( as I told them in July2009 already). The first offer was made by them on 15Jan2010. That was premeditated ! ! Cause now they're holding back the accepted sale until 2010's fees are fully paid up.
This can not be right nor acceptable. Please help. What can I do ?