718 802 9169 or 718-834-3254 is their local number, 888-653-8626 is the toll-free.
On Friday 1-8-10 the company delivered half-dead flowers with broken blooms and unopened buds. Buds never opened, flowers died, no answer all weekend. Mon morning we agreed for re-delivery at 5PM. No flowers, no answer at the florist.
The moron called at 7:30AM on Tues addressing me by my first name, making fun of the fact that I spent all night waiting on his company. Refused to schedule a re-delivery or refund charges. incredibly rude, smug, disrespectful, product was sub-sub-sub standard.
I suggest you avoid this business. For $70, one should at least expect live flowers that would last a week. I got dead ones that didn't last two days.