We were very unhappy with these people and our children have been very unhappy with them. Unlicensed people trying to perform the job of attorneys, David Farrah or Davis Farrah (HE IS NOT AN ATTORNEY, was a school principal somewhere in N.Y.) (He had a different name at end of his deposition which he did not sign and apparently he did not produce ID either; they just said they know him.) Then we found out he has no children of his own anyway and no experience as a guardian ad litem. This was his first case. They don't investigate anything the Family Integrity workers concoct or fraudulent papers filed by DCF attorneys. Most of the paperwork appears to be prepared by people who can't spell or don't have any evidences or reasons to have a case anyway. All you hear from them is whining over why a parent is not completeing a "MILLION DOLLAR CASE PLAN" designed to funnel REVENUE through the county. If they would actually read something like the AMERICAN FAMILY RIGHTS ASSOCIATION WEBSITE they might be thinking with their DIPSTICKS a little better. Instead they seem to think HOLDING YOUR CHILDREN HOSTAGE OVER THE PROCEEDS OF THE CASE PLAN is more important than admitting there was no case to begin with. They simply KIDNAPPED OUR CHILDREN and refuse to ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG. The whole court room scene was more like a well greased performance ORWELLIAN THEME. They don't want to give the children back because the county & state don't make money that way and THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!!! No one is in prison for anything and no deals were made to release the HOSTAGES. IMPASSE. Quite honestly I feel this is a fraudulent & abusive program that weilds too much power. I witnessed one GAL trying to bribe someone elses child with a pedicure & manicure in the courtroom. They DO NOT VISIT the children the way the documents read. It's written like they personally visit the children actually the dates given are a collective summary of 7-8 different visual contacts by various undisclosed persons. Nothing written by a Family Integrity Program Worker/CPS is reliable anyway. Mr. Gordon couldn't remember how many beds were in a room or how many doors it had (there was only one of each). They simply refuse to admit how incompetent CPS/FIP workers really are like: How does a parent driving a horse and carrige on CITY PRESCRIBED ROUTE FOR OVER A YEAR become a stalker just because a foster parent found out and showed up at a church on the route where even the city tour buses and trains stop?? Excuse me??? INCOMPETENCE 101. Any person in a GAL capacity should be MENTALLY EVALUTED for ILLUSIONS OF GRANDUOSITY; Certainly should not derive their sole source of income as a long standing COUNTY EMPLOYEE LIKE SOME OF THEM ARE/AND THEY KNOW WHO IM REFERRING TO... it becomes RACKETERRING REVENUE not Guardian work. It's all for the return cases to court... prolonged paychecks & cases AND THEY NEVER GIVE ANY CHILD BACK!!! (NONE THAT WE SAW IN 4-5 years). As a matter of fact they helped arrange & condoned visitations with a convicted sex offender EDWARD TRACY FROM ALASKA whom is not accounted for as far as residence on SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY. Their documents speak of STRENGTHING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A SEX OFFENDER & HIS FAMILY??? Who needs the mental evalutions??? The impression we got was that MONEY MOVES THE SYSTEM; THE GAL SYSTEM... sounded like they think just because a family has WEALTH that's all that matters to them. We felt it was more like SOMEONE GOT PAID OFF SOMEWHERE!!! Our children have never stated anything except to RETURN HOME AND ARE MISERABLE IN STATES ROTTEN CARE AND CUSTODY! The group homes are filthy and children are poorly or inadequately cared for/supervised. Meals are not cooked by caretakers and funds are SQUANDERED by the operators. Not to mention some of the children were moved into very unsavory living arrangements. They all want everything to be SECRECT & CONFIDENTIAL because THEY ARE ALL GETTING A PIECE OF THE REVENUES (RACKETERRING). That's what the confidentiality is all about!! PLease read AMERICAN FAMILY RIGHTS ASSOCIATION website and send PINK SLIPS TO YOUR CONGRESSMEN to REFORM CPS/FIP OR SHUT IT DOWN (that includes GAL PROGRAMS THAT ARE NOT INTENT ON REPORTING FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE/PUBLIC CORRUPTIONS and returning the children ASAP. It's right in their FACES!!! If they aren't part of the solution... they are part of the promblem!!
WHO IS LIKE GOD? THESE PEOPLE? "They have taken the children and sold them for a jug of wine..."
(seem to be more interested arranging for adoptions ... " MO' MONEY, MO' MONEY, MO' MONEY "