July 17, 2009
Do I really even work there
I am 16 years old and was eager to get my first job. I applied to ffodlion and that same day i got called to come in for an interview. The next day i went in for the interview and was hired on the spot, I was told i woould be called in to get my paper work filled out and my training hours worked out. So a whole week passed vy and a haddent gotten a call and I called. Everytime I called theough either no one was in or i was asked to call back. When I finally did get some one it wasnt even the person who hired me and i talked to her about coming buying my own uniform, she said once OI had my uniform to call back. so five days later when I did get my uniform and called back she said shell call to get me into work and get me in the system and put my hours in. after that call another week passed by and i had to call back my self, this time the woman that hired me answered and said that she hasnt even known that I have been spaeking with the other woman, and that there was some "MISCOMUNICATION", and that the woman that i was talking to didnt know that i was hired. Once this was all solved after A whole month in a half, and half of a summer is gone. I came in on the first day raedy to work and in my uniform, but i only stayed there for no longer than 30 minutes. In which I got my hours, which was only every other day and was 14 hours for 7 days. The first cople of days I was sent home early, and barley had any training by then. And all of the dropping me off thinking i woulnt have to be pick up for another 5 hours but having to turn right back aroungd is a killer on gas. This is still currently happening to me school starts on Augsut 18th and it isJuly 17th and I am just now REALLY starting to work there.