I am a victim of publishing fraud of the above named persons Mary Stevenson, also known as Mary Stevenson (Zangare), Basil Zangare and Danny Hahlbohm. Basil Zangare recently tried to extort funds from me by filing a perjury filled complaint to a Federal District Court in New York being fully aware that I am disabled and was unable to responsd to the court claiming copyright infringement of property which he clearly does not own by any means. He has ruined all of my personal websites that have promoted my authorship having them deleted, losing page rank and costing me money of the domain property and their values. The judgement was supposedly won by him because he knew I was unable to get to court all the way on the other side of the country. Damages to the tune of 163, 000.00 dollars not including the personal and finacial damage he has done to me. He falsely had me served with court papers that consisted of nothing but copies of my webpages. There were no interrogatories to the paper work so therefore I was unable to file an answer. He criteria to submit a lawsuit to a Federal Court was also false. I would have had to earn over 100, 000.00 dollars in order to even be eligible to be heard in this court and he had to file suit against another person as well in order to serve me under the criteria of the Federal court. He has conjured up some story that his mother namely Mary Stevenson Zaangare was the author of a public domain publishing that I have been preserving for historical and literary preservation for the past 46 years. Danny Halbohm sells my intellectual property with no ownership, contract or royalties except with what he can acquire online in sales and through poster companies.
They steal about 50 million dollars a year from me without paying me one penny. I am sick and tired of these people and wish they would get arrested for racketeering because it is not only against my rights they are breaking the law and stealing from the poor who would be benefitting from the income that is derived from my intellectual property.
Carolyn Joyce Carty
Footprints Poem Author