I have observed several things about this "auction" site. For one you PAY for bids. For another the auctions do not end until the last bud is placed, regardless of what the time countdown says. Lastly, and this is where the business model clearlyt favors the onwer and the "shell bidders" - the AutoBid system.
the follwing are "bidders" I have observed over the last three days: djwhite523, pappy6326, boba830, jamrlm, mandika76, jlacher, waniac, tsmith27, lety77_7. These and otghers are clearly employees of for10cents.com.
Allow me explain, I was bidding on a PS3, the auction ended with me at highest bidder, and as soon as the counter hit 0 - the Autobids started immediatly. And didn't stop for over an hour.
To kae sure this was not a one time occurrance, I bid on several other items. The samething happened over and over gain. If you are the last bidder, as soon as the auction is over the Autobids start and don't stop until you give up or use up all your bids.
Then there is the "soon" auctions. these are designed top keep you trapped into the service, and prvent you closing your account so they can keep yor personal information.
Did you see a cool laptop? Did it have a "soon" tag on it? Did you bid on it? Well forget about ever closing your accoint, as far as this site is concerned you are "obligated" to fulfil that bid until it closes. The trick is that "soon" auction never start, so they never close. A "soon" actuion is an auction that has notr started yet, but iot simp, y a mechanism to terap you into never closing your account. The "soon" auction never start, and they make at lkeast ONE of your "soon" auction that you nid will NEVER start keeping upr locked into tgheir accout system.
I KNOW the above accounts are AutiBidderBiots becasue they were bidding mnay auctiona at, many of them were observed bidding on THE SAME ITEM IN THE SAME CATAGORY!.
The upsdie to all of this is all I lost was the 15$ dollars I opaid for the 100 bid cards. But should go to the prcosees trying to it bsack via the lergal system...serioulsy?
This is America it costs more just thinking about litigation.
Stay clear of for10cents.com. It's is an unfair business prractice and i will submit this to the BBB as soon as I'm doen editingall my typos.