To my creditors Macy’s, Sears, Chase Visa, Chase BANK OF AMERICA house loan, I am working to pay my debt off an get my accounts caught up. I want to apologizes I take full responsibility for my debt. I got behind due to me having to retain an attorney for Ford Motor Credit messing up my credit applying misleading an deceitful information to my credit report. My husband because were separated at the time Chadnezzar Felton file Bankruptcy an they would not allow me to keep my car that was pay up an was never behind an they use deceitful tactics to take possession of my vehicle and then later apply it to my credit as a voluntary repossession which was bogus I submitted the necessary document to get this mess clear up ASAP even if we have to go to court if I have to sue that what my attorney was retain for I work hard to have my credit up to part. If I had did something wrong I would take full responsibility like my mother raise me and my five brothers. But I want take this laying down when I did not do nothing wrong. Please work with me and my Debt consolidation company I reach out to help me get my credit back on track. I will pay all my debt in full because, I made that debt an I teach my kids if you get anything that you borrow pay it back to whom ever because you may need help again so please excuse me an work with me Sabrina Cato/ Felton my CELL 404-944-9971 and my address is 4782 Main Street, Union City, Georgia 30291. Ford Motors Creditors Damage my credit I will fight them and expose them in the process for deceiving customers!!!
I have Documents an witnesses to verify what i have stated!!!