Don't try to do business with this company. Stay away from them. They advertise via spam and email promoting real estate course. The company promises a 30 days money back guarantee. But the catch is you have to make at least one written offer ( of offer to buy a property). The catch is that you can’t fulfill this requirement in less than 30 days. Two reasons:
1) The company starts counting the 30 days the moment they ship you the product. If they use slow shipping product you can receive the product in two weeks. For my case the company shipped the product march 27 and I received it April 12.
2) The company doesn’t have a professional customer service. I emailed them on April 14 to inform them that I just received the product and I was requesting some information. I never received an answer. I called the customer service twice and each time I was greeted with an nasty and unprofessional person on the order line who doesn’t know how to treat people properly
3) They are more concern to cash our money.
Don’t fool yourself you can’t try their product in less than 3 weeks and expect that you can make an offer.
ForeClosure World knows that 99% of people trying their products will get stuck with it. They are a bunch of crocks. Be careful, don’t deal with them.