In Feb 2011 I had an unknown charge of $34 something dollars on my Amex card. I never make purchases under $50 but I shop very regularly at Forever 21's website so I checked my account at Forever21 to confirm and the charge was not there. So I took this matter to both my cc company as well as Forever 21. Amex issued a refund immediately and I was told that they were trying to reach Forever 21 but had no response and that they had dropped the matter. So my issue was resolved but my account at Forever 21 was suddenly blocked and so was my shipping address. After MANY grueling LONG phonecalls and HANG UPS by Forever 21's representatives I was finally told that a block was issued on my account with the reason being that a chargeback was filed against me. When I asked the representatives to check if the charge was even in their systems, I was told no. SO clearly it was a technical mistake on either Forever 21's part or Amex. I was then told to wait and that the misunderstanding would be cleared up but after a few weeks my situation was forgotten.
I have been trying to clear this up again yesterday (May 2011) but now I am being told the SAME THING. That a chargeback was filed against me for an imaginary order that does not even exist. Until today they decided to change the story out of nowhere and claim that the charge DID exist so I asked for the order information in case it was fraud. They proceeded to send me information on $100+ orders that I DID place and NEVER placed complaints about. So again I had to clarify that I was referring to the $34 charge even though I state it in almost EVERY SINGLE email. Makes me wonder if they even ACTUALLY read what I type. SO now FINALLY I think we are on the same page and they understand the $34 charge does not exist but you would think now they can unblock my account? NO, I get this as my reply:
Thank you for your email response. All information in the emails being sent to us is understood and clear. As stated we will not unblock the account or the address.
I have been a loyal consistent shopper at Forever 21 online and in the stores for years. This is how Forever 21 treats loyal shoppers? With very rude and poor customer service. If AMEX did not refund my charge I would have been stuck with paying that $34 since Forever21's definition of customer service is just to immediately BLOCK you and ignore your problem. So now I am blocked from buying anything at Forever 21's website AND I still have NO idea how I was even charged with that mysterious $34.