How are you today?It is my pleasure to reach you after our unsuccessful attempt on our business transaction. Well, I just want to use this medium to thank you very much for your earlier assistance to help me in receiving the funds, without any positive outcome.I am obliged to inform you that I have succeeded in receiving the funds with the help of a new partner from UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Mr. Denise Schwinns. Everything was perfectly done and everything worked out successfully.In appreciation of your earlier assistance to me in this transaction, I have decided to compensate you with the sum of $850, 000.00(Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) in a Cashier’s cheque.I did this simply to show appreciation to you for your kind support and assistance even though we could not succeed due to some unforseen circumstances and reason. In the light of the above, you are therefore, to contact my personal assistant, Mr Frank Oshodi and do send him your contact address where you want the cheque to be sent to you and also your phone number, this is the email to contact Mr Oshodi e-mail address:
Chen Olsen