I bought a very expensive PARTRIDGE leather handbag from Frasers on 26 Feb 2010. As part of their sales technique they 'sell' the product by saying that it has a warranty etc. On 08 May 2010 one of the straps of the handbag broke.- I tried to take it back and they told me that they need to discuss it with the merchandise director . On 10th of May they just sent me a sms to say that the guarantee is not a replacement, so the bag must be sent in to be repaired. What kind of service is that. They are not willing to replace a very expensive PARTRIDGE handbag that is only 2 months old and suppose to last a lifetime? They expect me to accept a repaired leather handbag?
Worst of all is that I am travelling to Europe for business in less than a week. They just don't care about the fact that I will now need to buy a new handbag because of the very bad quality PARTRIDGE bag and terrible service.
Never ever in my life will I buy anything from Frasers again, they make all these guarantee promises when they try to sell a product, but guarantee actually means repairs that takes about 2 weeks and not replace!!! Do they expect me to accept a bad quality product just being repaired???