Norton Fraud Alert appeared on my computer screen informing me I needed to renew my Fraud Protection Service. It was presented in such a way I thought it was rather urgent. I pressed the select prompt for $49.99 a year. However, there was no info regarding how to contact Norton. Within a few days I needed to contact my service provider's tech support unit. I inquired about the Norton Fraud Alert service, since I could not recall having to sign up for fraud alert protection. I was informed that the service is included with our monthly internet service fee. They did provide this service inthe past through Norton, however, they canceled it and now provide this service, free of charge, through MacAfee(sp?).
I feel the Norton Fraud Alert/DRI*Symantec HP CPC soliciting in this manner is unethical.
Therefore, I am disputing this charge with my VISA card company.
Mary Elen Capper