I have been served TWO that I know of...let me repeat that I know of...one that personally signed for and responded to via answer - and ANOTHER I just found out about - in which a JUDGMENT has been placed against me where they served me w/in a 2 day difference of the other mentioned in a SEPARATE Georgia County that I lived at 2 years prior to...SWEARING I signed for it - and BAM - Judgment...I knew nothing about it - and they KNEW where I lived !!! Because they served me another one 2 days prior in another county! On my credit report there is ANOTHER county showing - and I would have to believe it just MIGHT be them again for an address I lived at 10 years ago.
Somebody go burn this place. He payed a penny on the dollar for a DISCHARGED account that no longer exist! I want a business like this! Don't you? We all would be rich if the REAL WORLD worked this way!!!