SIR, ,
There is a problem with your parcel in Cairo Airport with Egyptian Government. A stop order have being placed on your parcel. We need : A non resident tax clearance certificate issued in your name from the Egyptian Government, CLEARING the Parcel {DIPLOMATIC SEALED}.
The Egyptian Government have made our Company to understand that this requirement must be made available to their office.The Parcel {DIPLOMATIC SEALED} will not be released and will remain in their care subject to seizure and forfeiture. The tax payment is made mandatory based on the fact that prize money is shipped outside the territory of Egypt.
{1}A non residential tax Certificate ISSUED IN YOUR NAME from the Egyptian Government, CLEARING the Parcel {DIPLOMATIC SEALED} on tax.
Is a procedure that has been signed into law recently. We have tried our possible best to negotiate with them but they said it has to be observed so we have no other option than to contact you.
To process and obtain the Certificate ISSUED IN YOUR NAME from the Egyptian Government, Vetting The Parcel {DIPLOMATIC SEALED} against Tax, will Cost a PROCESSING FEE OF USD3, 150. I have laid your complain before the executive board of our company this morning, and I have briefed them on the issue but pro to the decision of the Egyptian Government we have no option than to get the document and show it to them for clearance.
Our company own you the total obligation of making sure that The Parcel {DIPLOMATIC SEALED} is delivered to you intact and in perfect condition. I sincerely apologise for this problem we are faced with, and in line with our operational code of conduct I promise that our Company Attorney will process and obtain the required document in your Name and on your behalf and forward it to the Egyptian Government. Send the USD 3, 150 today to enable us get the document.
As soon as the fee is received, We will rectify this problem within the next 24 hours.I promise and give you my word that The Parcel {DIPLOMATIC SEALED} will arrive SAUDI ARABIA, to your address without any more hitch or delay. Take my word. This is a 100% assurance. Don't be offended. kindly bear with us. We remain at your service.
Yours faithfully,
Head of Operations.