I have used Free411 many times in the past couple of years and today I dialed it: 18003733411 and some whacky Donald Duck voice comes on with some cockermamy bull and then it seemed to stop talking, I called again and after listening closer, I made out at the end of the same spill that I have been connected to the Dominican Republic and being charged $19.95 A MINUTE on a 1800 number?????
I called and reported the event to AT&T and so far they couldn't see any charges incurred but it may take up to two days to see a charge.
I was told if I see it on my cell bill to call them and report it but I don't know what they will do from there should that occur.
Anyone else ran into the same thing on this 1800 number?
I think that the service has been taken over/hijacked some kind of way.
Please let me know what you know about Free411