Clemen Chiang stated that he had conducted in depth research into options trading and said that it had amounted to a PhD paper being recognized (PhD is actually from a Degree Mill known as Preston). His eventual method is nothing but a gamble on the earnings report of a company using options. Any seasoned trader will tell you that such a method is highly speculative and there can be no predictability. Clemen also failed to mention that the volatility drops after an earnings report and this has a negative impact on the option price.
The only benefit his 'method' has is that it looks fantastic on power point with large price jumps and therefore helps 'sell' his course. After you pass the first day (last day of backing out), it will be filled with 30% actual trading education and the rest being about how great Clemen is. His post course support is lousy and is nothing more than a cheer leading squad. If individuals voice discontent or doubt, he will not hesitate to remove that person from the group forever.
As for his Freely Method web based tool, its option chains were at least 2 weeks behind. This software did not help trading in anyway whatsoever.
Do be warned that Clemen has a way to get individuals to spend more and more and more money on things that are absolutely useless. He promises easily and does not care about actual results and delivery.