Today I noticed that a charge of 51.00 was being taken out by checking account along with my current credit card processing account fees.
I thought the 51.00 fee was some kind of discover Amex Rental or whatever. I am just a small guy they new about this DUH!.
So I was on the phone today about another matter and I asked about the small 51.00 debit and what it was for.
The guy said for the other account. Other account? I don’t have another account.
They have been taking money out of my account because they said the old account from 2004 was never closed. And then say it’s my fault because nobody ever called to close it. Hell the bank I was with then opened me up 1st Tennessee. It should have closed when I closed the account.
In a nut shell this is another trick offered by these ruthless stinking shreds of Satan’s Drawers.
The supervisor told me he could only give me a refund for 51.00 because they can’t go past 30 days.It’s just another Trick of The Trade Reminds me of a used car lot scam Enh’.
Denny Lee Williams
French Quarter Café Nashville