Don't even think about doing business with them else you will regret.
Here is what happened, I brought in my cell phone and had them to repair it; I also bought a new cell phone from them because I couldn't wait a week. Anyway, it took them half a year to fix it. Finally they said they lost my phone and but willing to gave me another phone. Instead of gave me back the same condition phone that I gave them; they gave me a “throw away” condition phone. Of course I rejected, from then on, I had to go their store every week to ask for another phone. After I told them that I will complaint to Verizon, they finally gave me a “like new” phone. But I couldn’t image those guys locked the phone, so that I couldn’t activate my phone. I had to bring it to another Verizon store and it took them a while to unlock the phone for me. If you don’t want to go through this mess, for the god sake, stay away from them.
81 Elizabeth St New York, NY 10013
212 - 966 - 0081