This conpany has very good sales people yet they are a scam. We too were taken for $1249.00 They claim to set up a good business credit profile w/Dunn & Bradstreet etc to submit to lenders SBA and non SBA, or inversters. They ask initially for $49.00 to start the process. They will add a 3% fee if loan process is successful. Then they set up an appointment with a underwriter who will set up and clean up any credit blunders that a lender or invester may have a negative reason to deny your application. We submitted tax eturns, biz plan then they requested another $1200 to assist to build a web site (we never saw) and set up a businesss credit profile instead of a personal one. Because we are a new start up bunisness it appeared reasonable. Then they wanted us to acquire a credit card $10, 000.0 to show as assets to he company. That's when we yelled that is not what was told to us. Where are the investers, Business credit profile, web site etc that cost $1200.00?. We are yet to receive a return phone call as of two weeks ago. We are cancelling and requesting a refund to our credit card. Let's see if we get our money refunded.
It's a scam.