June 12, 2009
incorrect charge
Accidently I put my cell number on this web site and they automatically enrolled my for their useless service which I did not want. I immidiatly called to cancel it but still this company charged me $10 for the service which I did not even used for a minute.
June 8, 2009
Unauthorized charges
I was invited to Facebook by a friend. As I browsed through sections of Facebook, still brand-new to this site, I ended up getting a text message. It stated I had signed up for Horoscopes and to reply STOP to cancel, which I did immediately.
I was charged $9.99 for horoscope from Funmobile.
I have also filed a complaint with the FCC because this strikes me as tricking people into a charge. I have since heard from others that had the exact same thing happening. What a SCAM.
May 18, 2009
May 14, 2009
Unwanted charges
I never subscribed to Funmobile's services and just recieved a phone bill with a ten dollar charge. If i have never authorized them to do so, why get charged?
Tuane Ellis
January 26, 2009
Airtime Thieves
I'm furious at this funmobile thing!!! it eats my airtime like cookies and i never even subscribed to anything!!! IF THEY DO NOT FIX IT I WILL BE GIONG TO THE PAPERS AND I WILL SUE FOR UNAUTHORIZED CHARGING!!! its theft! im very very annoyed at this and i want the unsubscription code.
January 14, 2009
money been taken off
Hi my name is denise darling and yesterday i put R29.00 on my cellphone for airtime and this morning the 14 Jan 09' i had R6.00 left, thats impossible!!! i can tell you now the only things i did yesterday with that airtime is send 2 messages each being R0.80c and thats it. i am terribly angry and annoyed by this and i expect to be refunded for this ordeal immediately and if i am not then i am going straight to the newspapers and other sources to complain about this because this isnt the first time its happened with you people.
Denise Darling...
January 8, 2009
This is a suck JOB scam!
I Just had $9.99 stolen from my cell phone account, by the above mentioned company.
I never agreed to, or signed up for, used a credit card or anything, They can steal money directly from your pre-paid Virgin Mobile Account.
I Am being REAL discreet right now, AS I wish to kick someone in the TAINT for this, and its usually my style to cuss someone OUT, Esp when I am being ripped the F*ck off!!! How can I report these shady A*s-holes?... I tried BBB but they only take complaints from the US and Canada ... I guess I lost my money, And can't get it back. Please beware of this Bull Sh*t people! I never gave these douche-nozzles ANYTHING and they still got my money! I don't understand how they can be allowed to do this?... Has anyone else had this sh*tty occurrence happen to them?
Janella Iutzeler
January 6, 2009
false complimentary service
US Cellular passed through a charge to me for $9.99 plus FED USF charge, regulatory cost recovery fee, and other tax and service charges totaling over $14 for "Funmobile" : top-logo-ringtone.com 1-877-661-1136. My daughter (under age) thought she was receiving a "complimentary" ringtone. This is a scam and who can do something about it? I see that there is a multitude of complaints about this company. Someone there is getting rich. What can be done about it????? When I called the 877 number, a fellow basically said "there is nothing I can do about it". Funmobile is a SCAM!!!
December 5, 2008
text messages
am sick of being billed for something l didnt subscribe to. have sent emails to funmobiles, they dont answer, Dont know how they got my number, not happy. CAN SOMEBODY HELP GET RID OF THEM. thanks Dianne
October 23, 2008
Billing of my cell phone
Funmobile is currently billing my cell phone even
if I dont have a contract with them, They are sending me sms and they billied R60.oo per sms.
I have tried to speak to them, but the keep on billing my account.