I ordered a product from these people and paid for two day shipping. Fist it wasn't 2 day shipping that I paid $25 for. It was 2 day delivery after they shipped it a week later. Then I come to find out that not only will I not get it in two days but they don't even have what they sold me. This should have been told to me days before when I called and was told that the warehouse was called and told to expedite my order. So they took my money for a product that they don't have to sell me(theft by deception). So I call to get my money baack and I can't have my money back for over a week, after the christmas holiday which was the point in the order in the first place. So I was ripped off and my fiance doesn't get her gift in time for christmas.
They repeatedly lie to you to get you off the phone and steal your money. My reccomendation is to avoid this company at all costs. The whole situation is too long to type here, this is just a summary. They are a rip and should be avoided at all costs.