Future Shop
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Category: Electronics
Contact Information United States
Future Shop Reviews
Navdeep Dhawan
May 24, 2009
return policy
I buy a laptop from Future shop in Nov, 08. After 2 months it start giving problem as screen start getting black out when i start it. I went there and they use to fix it but when i go back home it has still same problem. ON 2ND MARCH i went there and explain the situtation and i was told that they are now sending it back to HP for repair. I was told that if we are not able to fix it in 60 days we will replace it with new one. Now as of today its almost 80 days i haven't get my laptop. Every time i go to future shop i get a new story and now they are telling me that unless we get the old laptop back we can't replace you with new one. Infact they told me to but a new one till they get old one back.I had shown them their policy which is clearly written on the slip " If we are not able to fix within 60 days we will replace it with new one."
Every time a new face comes in front of me and he/she told me i am the incharge and now onwards i will be taking care of your case.Althogh the store manager is there i am not allowed to talk with him.
Kindly help me.
February 17, 2009
Bad service
Bought an ipod touch on the 11th of October 2007 from futureshop # 053. Before doing so i made sure to ask the rep AND the cashier about the warrenty/return/exchange procedure. They both assured me that i have 30 days warrenty from futureshop and that all i needed was the reciept and all the origional equipment to recieve a full refund or an exchange if there was anything wrong with the unit. I made sure to ask twice because the iPod touch was new and i had heard many problems with them.
After being assured it was under FUTURESHOP warrenty for 30 days i bought my iPod and off i went, thinking that if anything went wrong i could get a replacement or a refund within 30 days.
After using it 6 times within the past week i noticed that the battery life of the iPod is not anywhere near the advertised life. The battery, when charged over night only last 4 hours if i am lucky! And that is just Music use, no wifi or videos.
I wait until the end of the week when i dont have work or school to head to futureshop to see what can be done about this.
The "customer service" rep informs me that the ipod is not in origional condition because it has a few minor scratches on the back. Now in no way did i abuse the iPod, the screen has not but one scratch on it, no dents, just the back due to its design has a few scratches that any iPod owner will tell you is really easy to get even with gentle use!
The rep points to a sign above him, the sign is huge, and tells me our policy is no returns or exchange for items not in origional condition, i tell him that no where on the sign does it say that, not even the fine print. He reads the sign and informs me now that there is no room for it on the sign. He then informs me its on the back of my reciept, problem is i get that after i buy the item and who reads the fine print on the BACK of the reciept? He tells me then i should have asked, which i inform him i did. I then get accused of not telling the truth and he tells me "sorry but its buyers beware" and he cant do anything for me.
Is this how futureshop treats its customers? BUYERS BEWARE? i guess they should have put that on the back of the reciept and then no one would be mistaken where futureshop stands. I am totally disappointed in futureshops customer serivce and the lack of backing of their products. I was intending on buying my girlfriend a laptop from futureshop as a birthday gift in a few weeks but after this they will be lucky if i ever spend one cent in their stores ever again.
So i guess take their word for it, BUYER BEWARE of Futureshop and their lieing and cheating associates who will tell you anything to sell you a product and then wont back it up when it is not working right!
January 31, 2009
Terrible experience
Future Shop in Ottawa (South Keys) routinely sells items with security tags still attached; these set off alarms when the paying client attempts to leave the store.
It's bad enough to have to deal with all of the usual Future Shop annoyances, from hard-sell tactics to push overpriced and largely-useless 'extended warranty' schemes to the sale of 'open box special' items at slightly-reduced prices without mentioning that these are often missing key accessories (discs, power cords...)
The abuse of the RFID anti-theft tags, however, is a little more serious. I have no idea what the store stands to gain by doing this, but I've had this Future Shop sell me items with these tags still in place and active twice in the same day. These are not isolated incidents.
Evidently, these folks have an endless collection of excuses. For instance, they may attempt to claim that the offending tags came from 'items from some other store' even if you haven't visited any others. They may attempt to grab the paid items and/or the receipts right out of your hands - and in many cases the printed receipt is the only evidence of ownership you have.
Confront them about this, and they blithely reply 'well, I gave the items back' seemingly oblivious that grabbing them in the first place is, well, stealing. If a store wants to tag items, they should remove the offending tags BEFORE they take your money - afterward the items are your property so it's a little too late. Future Shop appears not to grasp this simple concept.
Falsely accusing someone is a serious matter and one would expect that sooner or later these folks may just end up on the wrong end of a lawsuit if these incidents continue. Oh, and if they try to remove paid items (or the corresponding receipts) from your possession? I'd suggest reporting these incidents - the Ottawa non-emergency police number is 236-1222 and, even if you intend to handle this as a matter of civil (instead of criminal) law, there is evidence that you need - such as the recordings from all the cameras Future Shop targets against its clientele - which won't be handed over voluntarily to you but may be available to police if the matter is taken with the level of severity that these repeated incidents deserve.
December 30, 2008
Bad service
FuturePhoto service offered by FutureShop has closed and customers redirected to KodakGallery - currently a trainwreck!.
I have used FuturePhoto's service for a year or more because 1) good prices, 2) speedy delivery to a FutureShop near my home (Fredericton, NB) and 3) they have an online photo cropping utility that allows a no-surprises outcome for photos.
When I logged in on April 1 I was informed that I could not place new orders there - FuturePhoto was transtioning its customers to KodakGallery. Also KodakGallery were giving 100 free 4x6's to all who used the new service. All seemed well and I took advantage of the utility to transfer my FuturePhoto picture library over to KodakGallery. However, when I tried to place an order the system charged me $4.99 shipping. So I cancelled my checkout and found the spot where I could specify free pickup at a FutureShop store. However, the database doesn't have my FS store in it. I called cust. service who suggested that my nearby FS store likely had decided not to participate in the plan. I called my FS store the next day and they were surprised to know this saying that they were expecting good results from the switch-over. Despite friendly and good discussion with the FS in-store reps, no answer to my issue after nearly 4 weeks. I called FS a few days ago and the person I talked to knew about my issue and said the manager had taken that issue to a Cdn manager's meeting to discuss. I also told FS that later in April, when I went to the KodakGallery site (with me logged into my acct) no non-numeric postal codes would be accepted (i.e. only US ones).
I have had numerous conversations with KodakGallery customer support - useless. I also have had many e-mail exchanges with FS customer support - less than useless. They have a boilerplate response they send (I guess to make you feel like you have had a quality communication back from them) and then they sandwich almost nothing helpful or accurate in the middle about your specific complaint. They ask you for information that you have already provided many times. FuturePhoto support and KodakGallery sem to take pleasure in referring the customer back to each other - perhaps its a game (one that FS is not winning).
April 26 and still no word of resolution and no e-mail as promised from KodakGallery providing a coupon code for 100 free photos.
You would think that Canadian FS management would be diligent about customer service in this transitional period; alas they seem to be asleep at the switch. I'm not the least bit impressed and I am looking for a similarly featured alternate print supplier.
December 22, 2008
Last March I went to Futureshop to pay off my wife's credit card. Total payment was $69.50. I gave the cashier 4 20 dollar bills. ( $80.00 ). I explained to her I wish to pay off my wife's Future shop credit card which had a balance of $69.50. The girl took my $80.00 dollars and refused to give me my change. She said that it would go towards any future purchase on the card. I of course went ballistic and had words with the manager and about 4 store employees who looked like they were ready to jump me and through me out. I in turn challanged them to try. I was so pumped up that it would have taken a dozen or more of those punks to through me out. After making a rugus, the manager decided to give me my change and send me on my way.
I have not and will not ever step foot in that store again. Prior to this story, I had a really bad experience with the purchase of a washing machine and dryer. Damaged goods delivered to my house then offered a $50.00 voucher to except their junk. Waited 2 weeks for a new set to arrive and they told me I had to sign papers making me responsible for any damage the drivers may make while delivering it into my house. I told them to shove their washer and dryer and refund my money. Again that was a challenge to get it back.
I advise all shoppers to stay away from those crooks.
December 15, 2008
No service at all
About a year ago I was at my parents house and my mother was telling me she had problems with her computer. She brought it to future shop to get it fixed and all her software that she had so they could get clean out the computer and reinstall all her programs again. My mother got her computer back and no software. She asked for them and they told her they didnt have them. I went down there to talk to a manager and he basically told me that because i could be a thief trying to get new software that he could not do anything for me. So becuase there employees forgot to sign the software in my mother was out over $1000 of software for her business. In oct 2008 we went to future shop and bought a new dishwasher. The salesmen convinced us that it would be better to pay the $150 for the extended warrenty just incase it breaks down. We have it installed and the very next day the door breaks on it, it wont drain the water out and it doesnt clean dishes. We phone future shop and it is almost xmas now and we still dont have it fixed. All they can say is we phoned the repair men in your area to come fix it. They cant do anything more for us. So I am out a dishwasher. And this one is good. Any one who shops online for future shop be carefull. There is a disclaimer that they can advertise any thing they want but not really supply the same computer. I Ordered a computer online. When i went to pick it up it was half the computer that I ordered. Because of all the recent events i am sure I handled it a bit untactfully. So because the salesman could not he got his manager, he came up to me and said phone this number because i cant help you. I then told him i want it solved right now so i used there phone to contact there customer service. After an hour talking with them he still told me that he has the right to refuse and orders at any time. When i came home with out the computer my wife called the number and registered a complaint. We were told that we would be contacted with in 48 hours. We waited 3 days for them to contact us. We were told once again there is nothing we can do for you. How is this fair? We pay money for a product that either breaks down and cant get fixed or we get stolen from or we get told that the product that we wanted to buy actually costs twice as much becasue we can change our ads on the fly? I think future shop needs to invest in customer service programs so they can properly handle customer complaints instead of saying sorry we cant help you at all, maybe focus on what they can do for the complaint. Anyways I am out of a computer and a dishwasher, and my mother is out of her software.
October 15, 2008
extended warranty
in may 2007 i bought a brand new compaq presario from future shop in Peterborough ont., the sales man who sold me the computer also sold me a brand new video card and power supply. i was told when i bought them that they were the best you could buy. i was also told that i had full covergae and warranty on the computer and all accessories i bought. on monday oct 13 2008 i turned on my computer only to find that it would not work, i brought it to the store and asked the technician what was wrong with it, he told me that my video card was fried and he even questioned why i was sold this video card, he said that it was not good qualty at all, i want to know why i was sold an ainferior product in the first place, why i was told that it was the "best" they had to offer, and why i spent $140.00 on a piece of shit that was fried after a year and a half, i am still paying for this computer on a payment plan, and i find absolutely ridiculous that am now paying for something that i won't even use. i will never walk into another future shop store anywhere and the second i am done paying off the computer i plan on throwing out the card. the store representatives and associates offered me nothing to help except spending another $200.00 on a ne video card, i am very dissapointed and upset about the way i was used for my money and if at all possible i would like to speak to someone in a position of more authority at the store.
April 9, 2008
Poor business practices!
(WITHOUT PREJUDICE) I purchased a washing machine from Future Shop online. It was improperly installed in my home and caused major water damage to the floor in the room adjoining the laundry room. I called the customer service line 16 times in a span of three weeks demanding for action to be taken. Each time they falsely promised that somebody would call me back within 24-48 hours. They would not escalate the issue beyond the call center supervisor. They repeatedly told me that the reason for the delay was due to their inability to reach the subcontractor who had installed and delivered the product. At the end of the three weeks, I realized the subcontractor's name and phone number were on the bill of lading. I called and was forwarded to the appropriate person within five minutes. He provided me with his cellular phone number and arranged an appointment to inspect the damage immediately. It is inexplicable that Future Shop would be unable to reach its own supplier in three weeks while I could reach the appropriate person in minutes. It is clear that the majority of these subcontractors rely on the business of big enterprises and would provide appropriate customer service in order to avoid losing their contract. The obvious conclusion is that Future Shop dismissed my calls even though they are directly liable for the damage caused in my home. I was a few days from sending them a formal notice of demand and taking them to small claims court. Most people don't expect to need customer service at the purchase of a new appliance and so disregard warnings of companies with poor business practices. However, be warned as you never know when something will happen to you.
January 24, 2008
Scam and cheating!
I'll make this short and sweet... I spent almost $6,000 in home electronics and computers. Picked up the items myself with a minivan. Got home and my 46" LCD was cracked. A clear visible dent on the box revealed that someone from FS used their knee to lift the box. Went back, and they refused to do anything... saying I assumed the risk by picking it up myself. Let it be know, FS staff loaded and secured the TV in the van.
Obvious BS... The Sales Manager and GM worked together to deliberately try to screw me over and get me to walk away... duh... I drop over $2K on a tv, I ain't walking away. Excuses like... I'll need to review the video footage... it'll take a few days... I don't think so buddy.
Long story short...I got my TV back and will never buy from these A$$holes again, please DO NOT BUY FROM FUTURESHOP IN RICHMOND HILL... the managers are crooked, deceptive and downright pathetic. You guys know who you are and what you do.... all I can say is karma... what goes around comes around.
October 28, 2007
Wont exchange defective product after only a week of buying!
Bought an ipod touch on the 11th of October 2007 from futureshop # 053. Before doing so i made sure to ask the rep AND the cashier about the warranty/return/exchange procedure. They both assured me that i have 30 days warranty from futureshop and that all i needed was the receipt and all the original equipment to receive a full refund or an exchange if there was anything wrong with the unit. I made sure to ask twice because the iPod touch was new and i had heard many problems with them.
After being assured it was under FUTURESHOP warranty for 30 days i bought my iPod and off i went, thinking that if anything went wrong i could get a replacement or a refund within 30 days. After using it 6 times within the past week i noticed that the battery life of the iPod is not anywhere near the advertised life. The battery, when charged over night only last 4 hours if i am lucky! And that is just Music use, no wifi or videos.
I wait until the end of the week when i dont have work or school to head to futureshop to see what can be done about this.
The "customer service" rep informs me that the ipod is not in original condition because it has a few minor scratches on the back. Now in no way did i abuse the iPod, the screen has not but one scratch on it, no dents, just the back due to its design has a few scratches that any iPod owner will tell you is really easy to get even with gentle use!
The rep points to a sign above him, the sign is huge, and tells me our policy is no returns or exchange for items not in original condition, i tell him that no where on the sign does it say that, not even the fine print. He reads the sign and informs me now that there is no room for it on the sign. He then informs me its on the back of my receipt, problem is i get that after i buy the item and who reads the fine print on the BACK of the receipt? He tells me then i should have asked, which i inform him i did. I then get accused of not telling the truth and he tells me "sorry but its buyers beware" and he cant do anything for me.
Is this how futureshop treats its customers? BUYERS BEWARE? i guess they should have put that on the back of the receipt and then no one would be mistaken where futureshop stands. I am totally disappointed in futureshops customer service and the lack of backing of their products. I was intending on buying my girlfriend a laptop from futureshop as a birthday gift in a few weeks but after this they will be lucky if i ever spend one cent in their stores ever again.
So i guess take their word for it, BUYER BEWARE of Futureshop and their lieing and cheating associates who will tell you anything to sell you a product and then wont back it up when it is not working right!
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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