I acquired a Futureshop credit card last June. When i received the credit card, it came with an OFFER for OPTIONAL Futureguard services: insurance for credit card balance. The letter came with a portion to be cut out and sent as a reply to confirm my enrollment into this Futureguard insurance policy.
I found it shocking that when i made my first payment, they charged me for the Futureguard services, one which i had never confirmed or agreed to. Moreso, they are still charging me Futureguard services this month.
I still have the letter with the cut-out portion in my drawer. I have not sent it and I never had any intention to send it. It begs the question of whether or not Futureshop and the insurance company handling this particular insurance program is running a most unethical business practice of charging for services you never agreed to. I hate to think that Futureshop is hoping that we wouldn't notice the extra charges.
If you have a Futureshop credit card, check if you're being charged Futureguard protection services and challenge it if you've never agreed to the service in the first place.