this is an email that was sent to the Director of Napa State Hospital regarding the employees and owner of Futures Rehab, Inc. and fraudulent behavior and with poor ethical conduct. My reply back to me from HR which began an investigation regarding this mater.
Ms. Faulkner:
Thank you for reporting this to Mr. Foulk. He had requested that I take a preliminary
review of the accusations and take appropriate action as needed. Based on my review, I
have elevated your compliant to my Supervising Special Investigator to complete a full
investigation. They will be contacting you shortly.
Thank you
Dean Percy
Human Resources Manager
Napa State Hospital
(707) 253-5445
Fax (707) 253-5379
>>> "" <> 01/18/09 7:03 PM
Dear Ed Folks,
My name is Debra S. Faulkner, and I, up until January 9th, 2009 was employed by Karen
Breckenridge of Future's Rehab. The reason I am not employed and working with the POST
team is due to the fact that I had 2 known complaints to Karen Breckenridge regarding
Jason Emery, PT documenting that he was working in the S-Complex of Napa State Hospital
when in fact he was not. This first occurred in September/October, 2008 (I do not know
the exact date) when he left the S-Complex at 9:00 a.m. in my presence. He was gone a
total of 3 minutes maybe, when an individual came to be evaluated in which Derrick W.
called Jason Emery on his cell phone to return for the eval he had scheduled with his
reply being, "Cancel it and reschedule it". No known time when he returned was
I was told by Derrick W. that this happens all the time, and he will document that he is
here and he is not.
The second time that I know for sure this occurred was on December 24th, 2008. He left
the facility around 11:00 a.m. for the whole day and documented that he was on the
grounds from 8:00 till 4:30 p.m. I, Debra S. Faulkner, OTR/L, Tania Wiebel, OTR/L, Susan
Atherton, Speech Therapist of the POST team were all aware that he was gone in which we
told Karen Breckenridge of his dishonesty and fraud with documenting that he was there
and he was not. This is not only fraud but also ethically wrong due to the fact he is
leaving his PT Assistant and PT Aide unsupervised treating individuals.
Derrick W. also stated he did the same thing on December 4th, 2008, which is his son's
birthday. He documented that he was on the grounds treating individuals when he was not.
He left by 10:00 a.m. and did not return. This day again presents with ethical and
fraudulent behavior.
I have put in a complaint to the Physical Therapy Board of California along with writing
2-emails to the governor of California. I first talked with Karen Breckenridge with
nothing done only to be told it was our word against Jason Emery's word. I also informed
Reggie Ott with nothing being done due to the fact that DOJ is coming in and they want it
to look good.
Mr. Folks, I quit my job working for Karen Breckenridge due to the fact that my ethical
standards are much higher than hers and certainly more than Jason Emery.
You met me in one of the Friday meetings for A2, which I requested more computers for our
POST team. I cannot for the life of me understand how or why a person who commits fraud
and ethically could do undue harm to an individual is left to work on a daily basis.
You can ask Tania Wiebel, OTR/L, Susan Atherton, Speech Therapist and Janet S. PT (sorry,
I do not know how to spell her last name) along with the staff of the hospital with where
I went on their units like A2, A3, and A4. I did my job and even developed a group
therapy session which was being implemented by me for A2. It was working with those
individuals and now I am not there to really see my work unfold.
I am totally discussed that Karen Breckenridge would be allowed to even be over her
employees there and further allow for Jason Emery still be employed for his dishonesty.
Thank you,
Debra S. Faulkner, OTR/L