If you are interested in anything Jim Drew, Tim Bracket, or Fuzzy Brush and Solution Lizard are offering... Grab your wallet and run as fast as you can.
Firstly, Let's look at Fuzzy Brush. Jim Drew (CEO ) of the company is a compulsive liar and white collar but I have to admit, very smart career criminal. He was involved with a scam called bordeaux advisory. Google it and do your own homework. He then tried setting up the same scam under the name Barrington's Vinyards just this year. His partner is in Jail todate. His method of operation is to put a front company or person before his company and his name, Jim Drew -and let the fallout of the scam hurt his front person or company. He is very, very crafty. Again, do your own research and homework.
As far as Fuzzy Brush, I made the largest order in their history, 180, 000 units and twin packs. Not only that, one of my companies provided them with websites, media, press, training, solutions, operations and I personally wired him $66, 400 and provided another $109, 000 in services. Jim Drew and Fuzzy Brush literally stole this money from me. Tim Bracket of Solution Lizard is just as guilty. He runs and controls the site www.fuzzybrush.com and has since Feb. 2009. He is responsible ultimately for all the content therein. He also stole $5, 500.00 and never delivered the site. He was late on almost every project, has to be micromanaged, and is a complete liar too. Jim Drew and Tim Bracket will get along well together.
Reference Fuzzy Brush... Look at the FDA and US customs. They will be out in days and not even allowed to market or sell. Also, never and I mean never, give Jim Drew or Tim Bracket a single cent. Jim Drew doesn't even have a patent on Fuzzy Brush and anyone can produce it. He'll tell you four factories make the product but all of this is a lie. The owner is the son of a dentist named Joost Guild. Jim ripped him off $150k euros and owes another party $130k in texas. Jim Drew and Fuzzy Brush to include Tim Bracket set up the sites to defraud consumers.
Again, do your own research and thinking. Know that there are no active patents on the dental device and Jim Drew and Tim Bracket will steal your money in lightenting fast time. There are countless people abroad that they haven't even shipped product to and tons of complaints are forthcoming be assured.
Hold on to your wallet. Jim Drew and Tim Bracket, Fuzzy Brush and Solution Lizard will steal it while in your company the first chance they get.
Investigations are ongoing and Jim Drew and Tim Bracket, Fuzzy Brush, Solution Lizard, and other scams and cons they are involved with... Be damned assured.