I've attempted to cancel my 'membership' for the Acai Berry Detox numerous times via email as stated in the 'Terms & Conditions' on the webpage. I have never received a reply notification. I am going to send a letter via US Mail to see what happens. I've been returning the latest shipments 'return to sender' and have just received 2 email notifications that state: "8/13/2009
This is an automatic notification – do not reply to this e-mail This confirms that a transaction for the amount of $83.18 has been refunded and should appear on your bank statement in 5 to 7 business days.
Should you have any further concerns
Pelase contact [email protected]
Or call us at 1-866-949-0138".
I see on various complaints that this number they provide is very unhelpful/non-existent. I'll try this number also. In the meantime I'm going to wait and see if a refund really DOES appear on my statement.