We took our 2002 Turbo VW Jetta to be checked due to the engine acting like it was about to die and we also heard a weird noise like a jet engine
they replaced the air flow meter and said it was fine .. yet the check engine light was on still
a week later we took it back in it just got worse and worse so they changed the air flow meter again then tried to say the engine issue was from a K & N air filter and my husbands speaker power supply.. we took all that out still the same issues
so after 5 air flow meters nothing changed 4 months later the engine was dead we were under warrenty so we called and then we were told they wouldnt honor it because we didnt have proof of oil changes because my husband did them on base at the car care center on his own .. very cheap way to deal with that yet hurt us almost so we finaly make a fuss and they say they will give us a new engine yet when they put the new engine in it wasnt covered at all they also ended up replacing our turbo and replacing the trasnmission within months of putting in the new engine
so now after all that work done we had a good 4 months out of the car until my husband finds a hose that was cleanly cut and its hidden inside plastic at the very top back of the engine so there isnt anything in the engine that could have cut it IE Fans or tension
they also re used our old hoses and old fuel lines so pretty much they gave us a engine that wasnt compatible with the hoses or lines because they dont make turbo engines like we had anymore we got a passat turbo engine
well we tried getting them to fix the new issues of knocking and cut hoses my husband had to buy Coil packs 2 were just 60 dollars now how could they go bad so fast if they were brand new??
they have video cameras in their work area just not on the areas where they work on the car its self only in the walk way and where the incoming cars park when you sit in their waiting room.. guess its there to make you think they do something well..
we had to trade the car in later at another dealer they asked no questions we told no lies im happy to be done with FX Caprara
i would NEVER USE THEM AGAIN they look for quick fixes and Billy caprara is just looking for a quick buck.