It all started out with an innocent DVD purchase at FYE in Florence KY. ATM/POS WITHDRAWAL 09/25 FYE FLORENCE 18 FLORENCE KY 31.46
After the purchase, the so called nice sales man encouraged me to try the VIP Backstage. I immediately said "No, Thank you!" He said you should just try it for a month, if you buy another DVD within the month, you'll get a discount. If you don't, just call the 877-351-2131 # and cancel. You won't be charged." I fell for it.
So... October rolls around and I knew I wouldn't get back to FYE so I called this number on the Promo Pack the card was enclosed in which even reads "Your satisfaction is guaranteed and you may cancel at anytime by calling 1-877-351-2131.
I called, gave my Member # . It was obvious I was calling an outsourced call center not located in the USA. The guy asked me why I wanted to cancel the card. I told him I won't be using it and can't afford the charge at this time. He said something like "Well, the services are already good for this month." I told him again that I wouldn't be using it and asked him right out "So I won't be getting any charges on my account next month, right?" He said "Yes maam, but your services are still good for a month." I told him again "I don't want any charges on my card. I want this cancelled."
So... What happens? 11-03-2010
ATM/POS WITHDRAWAL 11/02 TLG*FYE VIP2567 877-3512131 CT
I called back to the call center obviously not in the US and got a woman who told me my card was never cancelled. She asked "Did you get a cancellation number?" I told her "No, he told me it was cancelled." So... I told her I wanted it cancelled now and want a cancellation number. She confirmed it was cancelled ... I got a cancellation number... ( I honestly heard people laughing in the background!) and guess what? The following month
ATM/POS WITHDRAWAL 12/06 TLG*FYE VIP2567 877-3512131 CT 11.99
This is total fraud. Consumer rip off. FYE at the Florence Mall should know better than to push this scam. In the long run, they will lose money and customers. I'll never go there again. I've literally paid $234.oo on DVDs in 2010. Never again. No more business from me. And I'm far from done with this.