I purchased this laptop in May of 2010, and since purchasing the laptop, I have had three major hardware issues.
Firstly, the week of purchase, the power brick died. Since it was inside 30 days, the store i bought the laptop from replaced the brick.
Next, about two weeks after that, the LCD panel in the laptop died and I was given two choices. I could either pay the shipping to send my laptop to asus for repair, or bring it to a local store with whom Asus has a partnership. I chose the latter, and it took 3 weeks and 2 days to replace an LCD panel and get my laptop back.
Now, about 4 months later, the LCD panel is once again acting up. Sporadically when starting up I will get no display whatsoever.
I should also note that this model is supposed to be a "Gaming Powerhouse" but Asus put a brand new video card in it that has GLARING major issues with the videoBIOS that means unless you are an advanced user who knows how to flash a new vBIOS, you are unable to use any drivers newer than the Catalyst 9.12 drivers if you wish to play with AA or AF turned on.
I have called tech support/customer service on multiple occasions, and they refuse to do anything for me that does not leave me without a computer for upwards of a month AGAIN, which is unacceptable at this time, since I am a student in a mobile computing program, and CANNOT be without a machine for any length of time. I have reasonably asked for a replacement unit, as after three hardware defects, this is CLEARLY a defective unit.