Mr. Iqbal Hakim of GAAP Accounting did my taxes for 2008 making numerous mistakes certainly misleading even bordering on fraud. IRS audited my return and every attempt to reach out to him since January of 2010 till December- by email, phone, fax and certified mail failed to get any response from him. After numerous attempts to reach him by phone, when I could reach him once on Dec 13 2010, he denied wrong doing and even claimed he does not recall any emails or phone conversations. He promised to call me back after checking his record same day and unsurprisingly, never did. And calls to his number remain unanswered.
Mr. Hakim is totally unprofessional, scrupulous and files fraudulently tax returns. Worse, he never calls you back after you make payment. I am responsible for lot of penalties + interest because of his tax filing and I want to get the fees I paid him to be refunded. Gone through lot of pain and would like to warn others from staying away from him. I want to do everything legally possible to revoke his license to filing taxes.