Newcomers, Cuban Rafters, illegals, every one of these had bumped once in a while with this company, in Miami, FL, they have a small office somewhere in the SW area with a desk, a phone number, and all they do is advertise on the local employment classified section newspaper, about specific related jobs, like Security officers, Hotels, housekeeping, (you can see these ads in Diario Las Americas and The Miami Herald) under the same phone number, and when you go there, all they have is a computer, and probably a printed out list from with all the jobs you might be interested in, and they handle you for a $20.00 fee, it happened to my brother when he had just arrived to this country.
They even tell you to go and see the prospected employer with references from them, 'You just go and tell'em that you are coming from Galloway Offices' Humm! these people are something!