Stay away from no matter what the deal you think you are getting. Period. The company is incompetent at best, but is more likely fraudulent and knowingly predatory of unwary bargain hunters. I can draw a couple of conclusions here. Either I am the victim of an unscrupulous company who fails to provide any customer support once a sale has been made, or somehow I have fallen through the cracks and this is simply an oversight.
I purchased 2 Nintendo Wii Metal Dance Pads Mats + Wii DDR Hottest Party Game for approximately $347.99 on Nov 18, 2007 to be given as a Christmas present. The game arrived in about 1.5 weeks, and the pads were shipped separately arriving in an additional 1.5 weeks. At the time no servicing phone number existed to determine tracking information on the shipment of the pads. The [email protected] email address proved to have a slow turnaround and provided only incomplete information. This should have been my first sign of the customer service nightmare soon to follow.
The dance pads were not opened until after Christmas. Both of them worked fine for the first couple of weeks, and we had a lot of fun with them. Soon however, neither mat functioned properly. On both mats, all four lights stay activated and the sensors think all four arrows are constantly being pressed, even when noone is standing on the mat. As such, they are inoperable for gameplay. I asked Gameasylum what causes this, and if there is a simple solution that they already knew of. The reason we went with the metal mats was to have increased durability as a long-lasting investment. I also asked about the warranty and replacement policy on these mats. Rather than being given a straight answer, I was directed to the terms and conditions page on their website.
I also wanted to call the manufacturer directly but was unable to get this information from By February, I still had not been able to talk with any at the company, and the communications received via email did not address the issue---that I am stuck with a pair of mats valued at $300 that only worked for a few short weeks.
Apparently the company was moving warehouses and establishing a phone number (not toll free by the way). I thought things would get better, but it only got worse. Most the time when sending email, it will be returned to sender with a message saying the company's inbox is full. When calling the service number it will cycle through a message over and over again without ever being connected to an agent.
On February 28, 2008 I finally connected to a service technician who indicated the controllers were likely faulty (I was sent PS2 pads with controllers to converter it to the wii box). He indicated these were on back order but that they were ordered and would ship soon. I received email confirmation of the same.
Two and a half months later, dozens of phone calls without ever connecting to anyone, and a slew of unanswered emails later, I still have not had any resolution. I have heard nothing from the company and have not received anything.
It is now May 14, 2008 and I still have not been able to reach anyone. This has been very time intensive, frustrating, and disappointing. Not to mention the significant $$ that is becoming less likely to ever recover. And what am I supposed to do with my two mats that don't work at all?