Hello, I have a complaint! sorry to bother you.But, here we go! I bought a laptop last yerar from best buy. Right before my warranty died my hard drive died. I called gateway explained it to them they said my warranty was active. BUT I NEEDED TO SAVE everything on the hardrive or I would loose it.. I said I have no way to do this! well, they replaced the hardrive did saye my drivers... BUT I HAVE NO WINDOWS..AT ALL NONE THIS WILL CAUST ME JUST AS MUCH AS IF I WOULD HAVE HAD SOMEONE TAKE CARE OF IT FOR ME!! WITH NO WARRANTY.. I will never buy a gateway again!! never!!! I work at a newspaper and will tell everyone how bad of service I had...I am not computer smart..thought I woyuld loose my pictures maybe..things like that..had no idea I would loose everything! now I have a computer that is not..in any way back to normal!! thank you GATEWAY...DELLA STANFIELD FRANKLIN NC 28734
Read more: http://www.justanswer.com/tags/computer/Gateway?r=ppc|ov|1|Computer+%2D+Top+Brands|Gateway&JPRC=1&JPKW=gateway%20computer&JPKD=335871261511&JPDC=S.std&JPAD=68024067011&JPRQ=gateway%20computers&JPAF=txt&JPCD=20091204#ixzz0p31s0kCL