Gayle A. Kern,
An attorney for the Sky Vista HOA, has threatened me and my landlords with eviction and possibly foreclosure simply because I decided to exercise my First Amendment right to free speech. I put a sign in the window of my house which read, "Elect Anti-Amnesty Candidates". Whether or not you agree with what my sign says, as Americans, this should concern us all. If you wanted to hang a sigh which said Elect Amnesty Candidates, as an American that is your right as well.
The Community manager Louise Pena told me that my sign violated the CC&R's and that it must be removed immediatly, and that I should replace my sign with an American Flag, that the flag says it all. Well respectfully Ms. Pena the American Flag is not a substituion for my rights. As a veteran of this country I know and realize that the Flag is the embodiment of those essential liberties and freedoms, not a replacement for them. I am being kicked out of my house come October.
Gayle A. Kern sent me a letter saying that I must cease and desist all communications with the Board of Directors, regarding this matter. Basically she is telling me to shut up. This violates the first Amendment yet again, and I have the right to petition for a redress of grievances. But I suppose that these facist organizations are more protected by the constitution then WE THE PEOPLE.
If this is the type of corruption your site is talking about then there ya go. I do intend to follow though with an affidavit for intervention by the Nevada Omsbudsman, then I intend to sue in a court of law, as well as file a report to the FBI for willful violation of numerous Civil Rights which are enumerated from God and can be taken by NO-ONE.!!!