February 24, 2010
Violation of the Law
I stopped paying on my G.E. Care Credit Card when I saw they were not applying my payments as requested. This caused me to not have my Special Purchases payed in time to not have interest due. There are more reasons I stopped paying(financial hardship which too many of us are facing). I am simply tired of the mind set of the company and its GREED. As expected it has become an endless period of calls from them, and a company that was helping to collect the debt. G.E. Money assured me there was NO other company involved. I have the letter head from that collection agency naming G.E. Money as the party that employed them. After that collection agency called using an auto dialer an average of 15 times in 9 hours causing the phone to ring repeatedly without the intent of having a conversation I filed a complaint with the F.T.C. and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. That put an end to those calls. Now G.E. Money calls, I answer, and am disconnected an average of 3 times an hour! Being the Parent Loaning Company I believe they can blatantly violate new legislation more easily. They use people from India that I can barely understand, and that are tooooooo busy trying to read their script, resulting in them interrupting and overtalking me and I end up laughing and hanging up. It took me months to get used to the ever continuing calls and then being hung up on. Their mind games will not win here. I am looking into filing a suit against G.E. Money, but doubt that will get results due to the lobbying power of the financial groups on the Hill. G.E. Money Bank has been the target of MANY Public Broadcast Topics that expose their, at best, very questional practices. I would lean to using the word EVIL. With the way some are responding to agencies like the I.R.S. and the man who flew his plane into their building, I would think G.E. Money Bank would be looking out for their antics to cause someone to snap and devestate a few of their sites. Fortunatly I do not believe violence should be used, but I am sure some have no qualms. Wake up G.E. Money Bank. I could go on with many tales of the Financial Industry but will see how this post is responded to first. Thank you.