I took out a loan for a motorcycle for low interest rate. Missed one payment and interest was raised to 26.99%! Paid off the loan with another loan that was lower interest rate. During this time I noticed that GE had been charging my account $99 a month for Debt Security. I did not notice this on my statements (my fault) as I paid online each month. When I called to question them about it, I was given the run-around and transferred to three different departments. They stated they could prove I enrolled as they had my signature. Funny how my copy of the contract shows this line BLANK! I emailed, faxed, sent letter showing this as proof that they illegal charged my account and requested a refund for $1, 700. Needless to say, they are ignoring my requests for a refund. I am now forced to retain an attorney to settle this.
Had I known that GE Money was the bank I would not have done business with them. This company is notorious for unethical business practices. The customer service reps are rude, but that's company training. Their business ethics leave little to be desired. Unfortunately, GE MOney preys on those individuals that might not be able to get a loan from a more reputable company with better business ethics and customer service!
I will keep you posted via this website on outcome of this situation.