GEICO Auto Insurance

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GEICO Auto Insurance Reviews

Kz71 June 6, 2011
Bad service
Well in oct of 06 i was a passenger in the back seat of my friends car. and this guy ran a red light. the sherriff showed up like 15 minutes later said he saw the whole thing and my friend was guilty. all the witness' that were at the light this guy ran said it was my friends fault. so i sued his insurance company. i went to a chiropractor and got a lawyer. now 3 years later my back pain is worse and still no word from geico on my insurance claim. my lower back is in extreme pain. i cant do normal jobs i would of been able to with a normal back. i need help. my lawyer isnt even doing me any good.
Carsten March 18, 2011
Avoid paying a legitimate claim
I would like to add my name to the long list of people who have complaints against Geico. Looks like they will do anything possible to avoid paying a legitimate claim. The money they save by not paying many claims will surely cover the expense of those stupid commercials.
joe41 November 2, 2010
Falsified Police Report
While traveling in my own lane, the car to my right struck my right rear quarter panel. We pulled over and she called the police (Greenburg). Police came and took the stories. I was in my own lane as was she. She struck my car. Geico Insurance Investigator calls me and tells me the police report submitted by the other driver clearly implicates me as being over a double yellow line swirving back into my lane to avoid an oncoming car. Now, I was always in my own lane, never crossed the double yellow line and there was no traffic coming the opposite way. Geico Invesitgator faxed me the report and clearly drawn on the Police report was a sketch of me over the double yellow line and swirving into my lane causing me to strike the from drivers quarter panel of her car. Also noted in the diagram was a car heading towards me. I found this strange and went to Greenburgh Police department where I was given a copy of the Police Accident report which looked nothing like the report submitted by the other driver to Geico. When I asked the Desk Sergeant, he contacted the officer who denied drawing any diagram on the report and denied the report submitted to geico was his official report. The Desk Sergeant stated clearly that what was submitted as the officers report was a falsification of record. I contacted the investigator told him what Greenburgh Police said to also include the office who took the accident report and faxed over a copy of the official police report which did not contain a accident diagram. Depsite official proof, the Accident Invesitator stated, "Well we have to use everything as evidence." As I again, over and over advised him that clearly the othe driver submitted a falsified report and he now had in his possession the actual report, he still refused to not use all the reports. I contacted and sent all the reports to the NY State Insurace Department and they sent me a letter stating Geico was in its right to use the report despite knowing it was clearly falsified. I supplied all the official reports to NY State Department of Insurance and to Geico and clearly it was evident the othe driver drew in their own picture and used a different font to type up an unofficial report they claimed to be the official police report and even placed the officers name, badge number at the bottom as if he was the orignator of the report, which he clearly denied at the station. Geico rendered a 50/50 decision and did in fact use the falsified police report.

This is not fictitious and very much real. Accident Investigators name was Lewis Arnold from Geico. Both NYS Department of Insurance and this blithering idiot refused to take into account with overwhelming evidence provided that the piece of garbage who hit me submitted a falsified report. Geico Investigator repeadedly stated he was using all the reports as evidence despite having had the correct official copy from Greenburg Police in his possession along with the falsified report.

Clearly goes to show that Geico is filled with shit who could care less about facts and are programs to funcion at a level below the level of a moron. Initially I contemplated getting an attorney, but the time(which I don't have) and money to pursue this was beyond my reach. I am in the process of switching over my Auto, Home and Umbrella policy from Geico to another insurance carrier. The new agent who is facilitating this transition was speechless when I presented him with the official reports and the falisified reports.

Stay away from these pieces of shit. The commercials are cool, but that is all they are worth nothing more.
msjace September 11, 2010
Raised EXTREMELY high premiums
My husband and I were insured with Geico for almost 20 years. We had our first accident a few months back and they had to pay for a replacement for the wrecked vehicle about 2700.00 minus the 500.00 deductable. Then when pulling out of a store, another truck hit us in the back and even though Geico was investigating this as a fraud case, they had originally paid him 300.00, just so they could close the case. In so doing this, it went against our insurance, even though we called and informed Geico of the incident, stating we were not at fault, and the agent at Geico clearly said not to worry, our rates would not go up and they woould check into the incident, Geico still paid the 300.00 and because of this they decided to raise our insurance rates from around 600.00 every six months to almost 2700.00 every six months. Geico is not allowed to drop you, unless they pay out more in claims on you, than you have actually paid in your premiums over the length of time you have been insured with their company, but you are not protected from the highest premiums they can charge you. I had heard lots of horror stories about Geico doing this to customers, but because we had never had any problems with Geico, I chose to stay with them. I wish now I had taken all those people for their word, as to what they were complaining about in regards to Geico, because Geico got us listed as a high risk and no one wants to actually look at the circumstances about our claims and we are stuck paying extremely high premiums with the absolute least amount of coverage for our vehicles. Once you are listed as a high risk, you are stuck with those high premiums for at least 3 years and if you get any kind of citation or ticket or accident of any kind, refardless of fault, you can be dropped and black listed again. I beg any one who reads this to please just think before you get your insurance through Geico. You can also go to a website called LexisNexis, which is where most of the insurance companies go to get reports on consumers and this is how they make most of their decisions, to charge you the rates they chose for you. If you go to the website, you are entitled to get one free full disclosure file on yourself, once a year, as required by law, they have to give it to you. It shows your credit report, your employment history and driving record. The report is free and I think everyone should know what is in their reports. I learned of this site through a friend of mine, whom just started selling auto insurance. Anyway, I just wanted to let anyone reading this about my experience with Geico and how I had ignored what others had to say about Geico and I ultimately paid the price for not listening. One more thing, even if you are in an accident, which is clearly not your fault and even though the other driver is ticketed, the incident has to be reported to your insurance company because the police were involved, do not think this does not effect your premiums, because it does. There is a scoring system in place which the insurance companies use and everything you do drops your score. Now, get this, if you move into a home and the address of this new home is listed from the previous owners as being the address of drivers, who happen to have a really bad driving record, you loose points for this, because they only see that address as the address associated with the bad driver and since they have no way of knowing, even with all this technology, that you are not just living their with those people, they consider that a high risk. You know why? Because that person might still be living there and might possibly be driving your vehicle. Now that is a real kick in the backside. Anything to be able to get more money from you and throw you into a high risk category, so if you drop your present insurance company and go to another company, they can look at your score and that is all she wrote. My credit rating is very high, so believe me when I say, they do not just go by your credit score. Your credit score is only a small part of what they use to decide the amount of your premiums. There is a website which has hundreds of items which the insurance companies, as well as other businesses, such as employers and landlords, use to determine, the rates they charge you for premiums, if you get hired for the job, or if you are suitable to be a tenant. However, I am not sure of the exact website, which as everything that effects your score, and it may have been a link from the website LexisNexis, but I am pretty sure, if you type it into a search engine, you might be able to find it. I do apologize for not having that site available. Anyway, if by my posting this complaint, I am able to help even one person from making the same mistake I did, by not listening to the advice on Geico, then I am thankful that it helped you. I just do not understand how our world has become so greedy with money, that people are just numbers and that big companies, such as Geico's actions can cause so much hardship on the customers, and it not make any difference to them. We are just people, who are not given any considerations for circumstances, like it was 30 years ago, when people were good for their word and trust was very important, when it was attached to a name. Good luck everyone.
GECKO KILLER June 10, 2010
dropped Policy
20 Minutes Or Less!!! More like 20 days or less, I recentley Saw an advertisment on T.V about how Geico can save me money and beat out the competition as far as low rates .I went online and filled out a application to insure my vehicle, I was extremely happy with the rate so i called up an spoke with a live agent, gave her my reference number and Credit card to get the policy started .Gecko readily accepted my 1st payment then email me my New insurance I.d cards .Everything seem so easy "A Cave Man Could Do It" So i canceled my prior insurance with Progressive, now im under the impression that im now playing for the Gecko Team.
WELL guess what in 10 days I recieved a Letter in the mail that they refered to it as a new "POLICY QUESTIONER" i filled it out to the "T" and sent it back, do you know that i got another letter back via the mail Stating that my POLICY is being cancel cause i didnt put the exact year which mind you was 1995 and on the questioner i put 1994" a honest mistake so now im left without a insurance company and the urgre to beat up that Talking gecko for the RECORDS "GEICO IS A B.S Company that believes in collect your money and cancel your policy in 20 mins or less.p.s "SHAME ON ALL THE UNDERWRITTERS IN THE WOODBURY L.I BRANCH.
AndyBouley June 3, 2010
Thanks geico!
I have been a loyal geico customer since 1996. I have never been in an accident so I have never had a problem with my coverage. Then, this past April, I was sitting at a stop light when I was hit by a drunk driver.
My mustang was rear ended and then side swiped as the drunk driver fled the scene. I had to swerve into a pole to lessen the impact. Thankfully no one was hurt, in my car, or the three other cars hit by the same drunk driver.
My car however was not so lucky. Both side mirrors, both rear quarter panels and my rear bumper were damaged.
I promptly reported the incident to Geico. They told me that we would have to wait for the police report to come back before they would know if I have to pay my deductible or not. I have uninsured motorist insurance which waives the deductible if the drunk driver doesn’t have insurance. And the claims rep said that my deductible would be refunded to me if the drunk driver did have insurance because I was not at fault in the accident. So either way, I’m not paying a deductible right?
After a few weeks I called geico and asked if they had the drunk driver’s information so I could take my car in to be repaired. They said that they were still waiting for the police report so I’d have to wait more. I was able to obtain the front page of the report from the police myself, but it didn’t say anything about the other driver’s insurance info.
2 more weeks passed and still no word from Geico. They refused to pay for a rental so I had been driving my wife to and from work, in my towncar. -which is not easy on the gas as you can imagine. I spoke with Geico again and they said to just bring the car in and we would deal with the deductible when we figure it out. So I did what they said. I have not been in an accident before so I didn’t know any better. I guess that’s what I get for trusting them.
When I finally get the call from the adjuster, she said that my 2001 mustang is totaled. She said it’s going to cost $5000 to fix the car and that’s more than it’s worth. Or they would give me $3200 and a salvage title. Now what am I supposed to do with $3200 if that’s not enough to fix the car and it’s not enough to replace it?
She explains that it would have been $3700 but they are charging me the deductible. –Even though they still allegedly don’t know the other driver’s insurance info.
So what can I do but accept it? I tell the adjuster that I’m going to have to think about it and get back to her.
I went to pick the car up today, and they charged me $180 for “storage” . That was the last straw.
So to recap….. I was hit by a drunk driver on april 12th, 2010. It’s now June 2nd, 2010. My car is still not fixed. A $3200 check, supposedly in the mail, to get $5000 worth of repairs done. I have been driving my wife to and from work in my towncar for a month and a half AND I’m out $180 for “storage” . Thanks Geico!
safetynumberone February 23, 2010
Unsafe business practice
When you have GEICO insurance, beware of dropping full collision coverage. Geico automatically drops your ETS [Emergency Towing service] without telling you or sending you a letter. All I received was an apology, as I sat stranded on the highway at night by myself. Shame on GEICO!
refap February 20, 2010
possible insurance fraud
I had ins. with allstate & decided to switch to geico because they were cheaper.After a couple of weeks when i had ins. with geico, Allstate called & said they might be able to beat geico's price if i would come down & talk to them.Dec.9/2009 I signed backup with Allstate at about 1:30pm.That afternoon I called geico & told them I wanted to cancel & I was going back to allstate.I told the person I talked to, that Allstate was going to start ins. on 12/16/09(because I told allstate, my ins. with geico was good until the 15th) & I wanted to let my ins. run up until that date.After a few minutes on hold she came back & said I would owe $2 & some odd cents for one more day, because my policy is pd. up untill12/14/09.I said, fine, because I had it set up on auto draft so its no big deal.She took a few minutes to set everything up on the computer & we said bye & hung up.On 12/15/09 my daughter was driving the car & the brakes failed.She hit the car in front of her.Thank God no body got hurt.I met her at the accident a few minutes later.I told the guy she ran into that geico was really going to be mad because my ins. was going back to allstate midnight tonight.The guy she ran into called a couple of hours later & said there was a problem with the ins.the next day i talked to geico & they said I was not covered, My ins. was expired 12/14/09 at 12:00pm.I explained to them the conversation I had 12/09/09 at 5:30 pm with the woman at geico & they said they would check the records & recordings.I argued with them 3 or 4 times on the telephone over a period of about a month.monday I have to send out a ck. to a collection agency for 1/4 down & make payments for pay for the car repair because I don't have proof of the conversation about her adding 1 more day at $2 & someodd cents.So here I sit all Broke & Hearted.I certainly hope this message helps somebody in the future.May God bless all of you.
Jack Lyons November 25, 2009
Not paying claim
I would like to add my name to the long list of people who have complaints against Geico. Looks like they will do anything possible to avoid paying a ligimate claim. The money they save by not paying many claims will surely cover the expense of those stupid commercials!
sabson May 3, 2009
Lower prices in GA is false advertising
Geico is advertising that it has lower prices in GA, this is absolutely not true. I am classified as a safe driver (no accidents or speeding tickets) and 53 years old. Their prices are higher than all other carriers. This is false advertising. I also know of other people that have complained about the same issue.

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