In the first place the puppy sold to Cindy did NOT belong to me Sandy Wills it belong to Betty Gwosdz who listed her puppies on our site for sale I also have an email confirming Cindy knew who the dog belong to, and AKC papers with Betty‘s name on them. Cindy Chose to come after me as I have a web site and she can slander me one the web.
Cindys contract reads the same as ours she agreed to take this puppy to the vet and have it proven to be in good health. All puppies sold on our site come with a health certificate from our vet stating the puppy has been examined and found in good health. In a written statement Cindy claimed she had a vet look at this puppy the day she got her, the vet did an informal exam and found her to be in good health. BUT the vet will not according to Cindy admit to seeing the puppy or give a written statement saying he saw this puppy. Cindy refused to give us the name or phone number of this Vet so we could contact him.
We do not even know if the puppy in question has even died. However I Sandy replaced with one of my own puppies to make her happy. Guess what AGAIN Cindy refuses to send us a vet report. She states she dose not like this puppy and it has a bad bite. When asked to send us a picture of the dogs teeth she sent a picture of another dog. Cindy we know our dogs. She had the nerve to Demand we send her another puppy the next day! When we refused to send her a 3rd puppy she went after the original breeder and demanded she send her a puppy right now! She sent both of us ugly e-mails, threaded us and demanded what she wanted, WOULD be done, when she wanted it done. After we contacted our Atts. we were advised not to send her a 3rd dog or have any contact with her.
I can also provide proof in Cindy Kearneys e-mails that she never took this puppy to the vet for its REQUIRED first Vet CK she didn't give this puppy its shots and she kept this poor little girl in a kennel alone. WE DO NOT RAISE OUR PUPPIES THAT WAY! She also stated the puppy had stressed out and went hypo due to the conditions she was being kept. Cindy lied and told us this puppy would be kept in her home. She never called us to say the puppy was ill. And stated in her e-mail it took the puppy 5 hours to die but she didn't take her to the vet, she just placed her in a box and watched her die. She also stated in this e-mail that she put 4 other puppies in with her for 6 days & none of them got ill. Come on. All the other puppies from this litter are fine and their new owners have sent us refuel letters.
The AKC rep. came to our home on 9/30/07 and found every thing was in Compliance and there were no problems, and no ill dogs. I will be happy to show this report to any one.
Cindy Kearney of Gemstone Puppies, should prayerfully consider what she is doing to people, take care of her animals and learn that honesty is the best policy. We have many references on our site and on puppy find as well. God has Blessed us with many new friends due our Chihuahua breeding, we will not let you discourage us and will pray that God will do a work in your heart, & that you will change your ways.